Admissions Information


Bachelor's Program

The Bachelor's Program at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) consists of 26 study programs spread across seven faculties as follows:

  • S1 Law Science
  • S1 Management
  • S1 Accounting
  • S1 Development Economics
  • S1 Agrotechnology
  • S1 Agribusiness
  • S1 Agricultural industrial technology
  • S1 Marine Science
  • S1 Acuatic Resources Management
  • S1 Informatics Engineering
  • S1 Industrial Engineering
  • S1 Electrical Engineering
  • S1 Informatic Systems
  • S1 Mechatronical Engineering
  • S1 Mechanical Engineering
  • S1 Sociology
  • S1 Communication
  • S1 English Study Program
  • S1 Psychology
  • S1 Elementary School Teacher Education
  • S1 Early Childhood Teacher Education
  • S1 Science Education
  • S1 Informatics Education
  • S1 Indonesian Language Education
  • S1 Islamic Business Law
  • S1 Islamic Economics

Benefits With Our Service

  • In-depth Education: Bachelor's programs provide more in-depth education in a specific field of study. You will have the opportunity to study subjects thoroughly, understand fundamental theories, and develop skills necessary in a specific industry or field.

  • Gateway to Competitive Careers: Many jobs require a bachelor's degree as an entry requirement. Having a bachelor's degree enhances your credibility in the job market and opens doors to a variety of more challenging and evolving career opportunities.

  • Extensive Professional Network: During your bachelor's studies, you will meet fellow students, professors, and industry professionals who can help expand your professional network. This network can be a valuable asset in finding a job or advancing your career in the future.

  • Development of Soft Skills: In addition to technical skills in your field of study, bachelor's programs also help you develop necessary soft skills in the workplace, such as communication, leadership, teamwork, and analytical skills.

  • Opportunities for Research and Practice: Many bachelor's programs offer opportunities to engage in independent research or practicum projects that allow you to apply the knowledge you have learned in a real-world context. This deepens your understanding of the subject and provides valuable experience.

  • Higher Salary Potential: Generally, graduates of bachelor's programs have a higher salary potential compared to those who only have a diploma or lower qualifications. A bachelor's degree is often considered a long-term investment in your career and earnings.

  • Gateway to Advanced Education: A bachelor's degree is a prerequisite for many advanced education programs, such as master's or doctoral programs. By having a bachelor's degree, you open the door to further studies at higher levels and to delve deeper into your field of study.

  • Prestige and Recognition: Having a bachelor's degree from a reputable institution gives you prestige and recognition in the academic and professional community. This can enhance your reputation and open up better opportunities in your career.

FAQ Bachelor's Degree Programs

  • A bachelor's degree program is a higher education program that awards a bachelor's degree in a specific field, such as science, technology, arts, business, or humanities.
  • The duration of a bachelor's degree program varies depending on the country and the program, but it generally lasts for four years of full-time study.
  • You can consider your personal interests, career goals, the program's curriculum, the institution's reputation, and opportunities for skill development when choosing the right bachelor's degree program.



Office Address

Jl. Raya Telang,PO BOX 02 Kecamatan Kamal, Bangkalan East Java 69162 Indonesia

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