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Postgraduate Program

Going forward, bachelor's programs will be developed in greater variety to meet the needs of society and the market. The educational process, at most, lasts 4 (four) academic years for master's programs, in accordance with SN-DIKTI 2020, with a minimum student workload of 36 (thirty-six) credits (sks).

The postgraduate program at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) consists of 4 study programs with the following details:

  • Faculty of Law: Master of Law Science (S2 Ilmu Hukum)
  • Faculty of Economics and Business: Master of Management (S2 Manajemen) and Master of Economics Science (S2 Ilmu Ekonomi)
  • Faculty of Agriculture: Master of Natural Resource Management (S2 Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam)

Advantages of Postgraduate Studies

  1. Deep Specialization: Master's degree programs allow you to delve deeper into a specific field of study than previous educational levels. You can focus on specific topics and develop broader and deeper knowledge in your area of interest.
  2. Enhanced Credibility and Competence: Having a master's degree enhances your credibility in the eyes of employers and colleagues. This degree demonstrates a higher level of expertise and competence in a specific field, which can help you compete in a competitive job market.
  3. Gateway to Higher Career Opportunities: A master's degree is often a requirement for more senior or specialized positions across various industry sectors. It opens doors to more challenging career opportunities, higher earnings, and greater responsibilities.
  4. Advanced Skill Development: Master's degree programs not only provide deeper knowledge but also help you develop advanced skills necessary in a professional environment, such as analytical skills, leadership, problem-solving, and time management.
  5. Extensive Professional Network: During your master's studies, you will have the opportunity to interact with fellow students, professors, and industry professionals. This allows you to build a wide and valuable network that can support you in finding a job or advancing your career in the future.
  6. Gateway to Research and Development: Master's degree programs often involve independent research or academic projects that allow you to contribute to knowledge in your field of study. This gives you the opportunity to become an expert in a specific area and contribute to the advancement of science.
  7. Qualification for Further Education: A master's degree is often a prerequisite for advanced education programs, such as doctoral programs. If you are interested in pursuing a career in academia or research, having a master's degree is an essential first step.

FAQ Postgraduate Studies Programs

  • A master's degree program is a higher education program that offers a master's degree in a specific field of study, such as science, technology, arts, business, or humanities.
  • Yes, many master's degree programs offer options for specializations or concentrations in specific fields, allowing students to delve into their interests and expertise.
  • You can consider personal interests, career goals, program curriculum, institutional reputation, and skill development opportunities when choosing the right master's degree program.



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