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Bangkalan – Trunojoyo Madura University officially launched the UTM Integrated Service Unit (ULT) to maximize services for the community and students.

The presence of ULT emphasizes UTM as an open campus, an informative campus that strives to provide the best service to the public.

Dr Safi', SH, MH as Chancellor of UTM in his speech explained that by launching ULT, he would be able to maximize the quality of services on the UTM campus for the public and students.

This was emphasized during the Media Gathering and Launching of the Integrated Service Unit (ULT) at Trunojoyo Madura University. Located in the Main Graha Lobby of the Integrated Rectorate, 1st Floor, on 19 January 2024.

The Chancellor explained that (ULT) was a consequence of UTM being designated as a Public Service Agency.

"Since UTM was designated as BLU, UTM has become the object of inspection by the Financial Audit Agency (BPK)," said Safi'.

According to him, in order to avoid fraud, UTM formed a new unit, namely ULT, and it is hoped that ULT can carry out service activities according to its main duties and functions. Safi' hopes that ULT's presence can improve and accelerate the quality of service at UTM.

"That's why we are aiming for IT-based services, and at the beginning of this year the system will be implemented in its entirety," he explained.

Safi’ menjelaskan bahwa tagline UTM yaitu Unggul, Tangguh, Mandiri kian terwujud dengan memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal.

"So here there are things that have to be forwarded to the authorized units and officials, but the door can be through this ULT," he explained.

Furthermore, Safi' explained that later all information services, including information needs, would be integrated with ULT and collaborate with PPID. In 2023, PPID itself received an award for being informative by the Central Information Commission.

"All information about academic services, financial information, activity information can be accessed through ULT, both the academic community and the general (public) who are interested in service needs at UTM," he concluded.

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