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Bangkalan - In preparation for the Institutional Reaccreditation of Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM), which is due in November 2024, the Quality Assurance Team (BPM) of UTM visited Malang State University (UM) for a study visit.

The UTM Accreditation Document Preparation Team assigned to the Comparative Study group consists of Prof. Masduki, Dr. Kurniyati Indahsari, M.Si, Dr. Devi Rahayu Sh, M.Hum., and Dr. Nurhayati, along with Trischa and Yeni, on Thursday (29/02/2024).

The activity is expected to fully support the process of preparing the UTM re-accreditation documents for 2024. Notably, UTM is aiming for an "Excellent" accreditation result this year.

Based on the Ministerial Regulation of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology No. 53 of 2023 on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 2024 is the last year that universities can achieve an “excellent” accreditation status. Starting the following year, the accreditation status of universities will only be categorized as accredited or non-accredited.

The UTM delegation was welcomed by Warsono, the Chair of the Quality Assurance Team at Malang State University, and the team. After a discussion session and Q&A, Warsono stated that follow-up activities from the visit need to be carried out.

Warsono said, "The team will immediately hold a coordination meeting to share the results of the visit to Malang State University."

Warsono added that the team responsible for preparing the reaccreditation documents should optimize their strategy, tips, and tricks for composing the re-accreditation documents.

"Every data requirement from each sub-team should be communicated as soon as possible for follow-up," he concluded.

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