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Announcement of UKT Reduction Application for Continuing Students of the Diploma and Undergraduate Programs for the Odd Semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025


Nomor : B/2578/UN46.2/KU.03.04/2024




In relation to the implementation of the Odd Semester Re-Registration for the Academic Year 2024/2025 and based on the Rector’s Decree of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Number: 019/UN46/HK.02/2024 regarding the Provision of Single Tuition Fee Reductions for Students of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, we hereby announce the application for Single Tuition Fee (UKT) reductions for the Odd Semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025. This is applicable to diploma and undergraduate students of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura who are currently enrolled and wish to request a change in their UKT group level, specifically a reduction in the UKT group level. The UKT reduction applies to:

For Further information please download here: UKT REDUCTION ODD SEMESTER 2024_2025


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Announcement: Re-registration for New Independent Students through the Tahfidz, Leadership, Qiraatul Qutub, Golden Ticket, Cooperation, Affirmation, and Achievement Competition Selection Pathways for the Academic Year 2024/2025






 Nomor: B/2530/UN46/TM.01.00/2024

Based on the Announcement of the SMMMUTM Non-Regular Results for the year 2024, students who are declared to have passed the selection process as prospective students at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura are REQUIRED to complete the following steps:

For Further information please download here: RE-REGISTRATION FOR NEW INDEPENDENT STUDENTS 2024

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Optimization of ZIS Funds: UTM Establishes a Joint Commitment with BAZNAS East Java

The Rector of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM), Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H., accompanied by the Vice Rector III Surokim, S.Sos., S.H., M.Si, and the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FKIS) Sofiyun Nahidloh, S.Ag., M.H.I, received a visit from the Chairman of the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of East Java Province, Prof. Dr. K.H. Ali Maschan Moesa, M.Si., along with his team, on Monday, July 8, 2024.

Located in Meeting Room 501 on the 5th floor of the Rectorate, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H. warmly welcomed the Head of BAZNAS East Java and his team to UTM. He also introduced the leaders present at the meeting, which was attended by Supriyanto, S.E., M.M. from the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau (BAK) and Ningwar, S.E., M.M. from the General Affairs and Human Resources Bureau (BUK).

Meanwhile, present were the Vice Chairman III of BAZNAS East Java, Dr. K.H. Muhammad Zakki, M.Si, the Vice Chairman IV of BAZNAS East Java, Dr. K.H. Husnul Khuluq, M.M., the Head of the Collection Division and Staff of SAI BAZNAS East Java, as well as the Management of the Zakat Collection Unit (UPZ) of UTM.

In the meeting, there was extensive discussion regarding the policies and implementation of professional zakat, given that UTM is a government institution. According to Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2014, all civil servants are required to fulfill their zakat obligations through Baznas.

Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H. stated that the collection of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) at UTM has not yet reached its full potential and has not met the targets set. He mentioned that efforts will be made to revitalize and optimize the existing ZIS Collection Units (UPZ) as extensions of Baznas to enhance the effectiveness of ZIS collection at UTM.

"This meeting is primarily focused on coordination and collaboration. In essence, we already have a UPZ that acts as an extension of BAZNAS, but it has not yet been optimized. Therefore, revitalization is necessary to enhance the management of zakat, infak, and sadaqah funds for civil servants within government institutions, which have significant potential. It is hoped that we can optimize this going forward," he stated.

In the same session, the Chairman of BAZNAS Jatim, Prof. Dr. K.H. Ali Maschan Moesa, M.Si., stated that his purpose in visiting UTM was to deliver the government's mandate in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 3/2014, which is a noble duty.

“We are here to carry out government duties. We hope that in the future, the collection of ZIS funds from UTM will be more optimal, so that 70% of the collected funds can assist sweepers, mosque caretakers, and students within the UTM environment,” he explained.

CategoriesHeadlines Events

Menduniakan Mangrove sebagai Ikon Konservasi Kawasan Pesisir, UTM Jalin Kemitraan dengan Kampus Luar Negeri

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) menjadi salah satu perguruan tinggi yang aktif dalam melestarikan mangrove di pesisir pantai Madura.

Baru-baru ini, UTM sukses menggelar kegiatan International Mangrove Conservation bersama sejumlah mahasiswa asing. Mereka berasal dari kampus The University of Western Australia, Murdoch University, Curtin University, University of Notre Dame Australia, dan Edith Cowan University, serta mahasiswa dari 10 perguruan tinggi negeri di Jawa Timur, pada 4 Juli 2024.

Kegiatan ini terlaksana berkat kerjasama International Relation Office (IRO) UTM dengan sejumlah perguruan tinggi di luar negeri. Hingga saat ini, UTM secara aktif terus memperluas jalinan kerjasama dengan mengadakan kegiatan bersama instansi pendidikan, penelitian dan swasta dari berbagai negara.

International Short Course dan Mangrove Conservation merupakan dua kegiatan rutin yang digelar bersama mahasiswa Australia, yang tergabung dalam Western Australia East Java University Consortium (WAEJUC).

Agenda International Mangrove Conservation tersebut rutin dilaksanakan bersama mahasiswa dan dosen dari berbagai negara. Mengingat hingga saat ini, pulau Madura dikenal sebagai salah satu daerah yang memiliki ekosistem mangrove terbesar di Jawa Timur.

Syahrul Arief, pengurus International Relation Office Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menjelaskan bahwa kegiatan international mangrove conservation seperti ini akan menjadi agenda rutin untuk mendukung program World Class University, termasuk saat kedatangan mahasiswa Palacky University Olomouc dari Cheko.

Para peserta International Mangrove Conservation cukup antusias melaksanakan instruksi dari Rizka Rahmana Putri, M.Agr, sebagai salah satu instruktur dalam penanaman bibit mangrove di Taman Pendidikan Mangrove Labuhan.

Mulai dari cara memilih bibit mangrove yang baik, memilih lokasi penanaman yang sesuai, proses penanaman dan pengikatan bibit agar kuat tidak terbawa arus.

Helen, mahasiswi Edith Cowan University menceritakan bahwa di Australia ada juga mangrove tetapi pohonnya kecil, tidak luas dan jenisnya tidak sebanyak yang ada di sini.

Berbeda dengan James, Mahasiswa dari University Of Western Australia tersebut  mengaku sangat terkesan dengan keanekaragaman mangrove Madura, di Autralia dirinya hanya bisa melihat pasir dan batu pantai.

Events International Mangrove Conservation tersebut melibatkan beberapa program studi di Fakultas Pertanian UTM.

Terlebih, Program Studi Magister PSDA yang terus berkomitmen di bidang konservasi, konsisten bermitra dengan IRO dalam setiap kegiatan internasional di Madura.

Kegiatan penanaman mangrove di Madura juga perlu digalakkan. Menurut Dr. Akhmad Farid, pakar bidang pengelolaan sumber daya perairan menyebutkan bahwa, Indonesia mempunyai luas mangrove 3.364.080 Hektar, dan 15.118,1 Hektar terdapat di Pulau Madura.

“Tetapi sangat disayangkan luasannya terus berkurang, hingga saat ini luasan ekosistem mangrove di Madura telah berkurang lebih dari 5000 Hektar. Untuk itu,  menduniakan mangrove sebagai ikon konservasi kawasan pesisir sangatlah tepat,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Dr. Agr. Eko Setiawan menyebutkan jika keberadaan mangrove berperan penting untuk merehabilitasi lahan serta konservasi tanah di wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil dengan tipologi pantai berlumpur.

“Mempunyai jenis akar tunggang dan akar nafas dengan pertumbuhan yang melebar sehingga penanaman konservasi mangrove disepanjang  pesisir, dapat berfungsi sebagai pelindung pantai dari gelombang tinggi dan abrasi,” pungkasnya.

CategoriesNews Headlines

"Madura Herbal Drinks" Efforts in the Internationalization of Herbal Beverages in Collaboration with IRO, Master’s Program in PSDA, and Waejuc

Once again, the activity international short course has been successfully conducted by International Relation Office in collaboration with the Master’s Program in Natural Resource Management (PSDA) at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. International short course is part of a series of activities involving students from Australia who are participating in Western Australia East Java University Consortium (WAEJUC)This event was also attended by students from ten public universities in East Java, held at the Graha Utama Building, 10th Floor, on Thursday, July 4, 2024.

Materials for international short course this time was about Madura Herbal Drink, and presented with an engaging game concept to ensure participants remain interested until the end. All the speakers are from the Faculty of Agriculture and are experts in the fields of technology and management of biological resources, specifically from the programs of (PSDA), Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (TIP), Agroecotechnology, and Agribusiness.

Mojiono, M.Si, one of the speakers, stated that herbal drinks are natural beverages with numerous health benefits and are believed to be effective in the treatment of illnesses.

“Typically made from spices or parts of plants, such as roots, tubers, stems, leaves, or flowers,” said Mojiono.

Dr. Agr. Eko Setiawan added that herbal drinks (jamu) are one of the six Intangible Cultural Heritage (WBTB) elements that Indonesia submitted to UNESCO in 2022.

“Jamu Madura is categorized into six groups based on its benefits, namely: 1) Jamu for enhancing male strength and health; 2) Jamu for women's health and postnatal care; 3) Jamu for body care and beauty; 4) Jamu for wind repellent; 5) Jamu for relieving muscle pain; 6) Other types of Jamu (both medicinal and non-medicinal),” Eko stated.

Among the traditional herbal products widely recognized today are Tongkat Madura, Empot-empot, Galian Rapet Wangi, Galian Singset, beauty herbal remedies, fertility herbal remedies, Godogan Rapet Wangi, Cebokan, Galian Montok, women's herbal powder, lactation-promoting herbal remedies, cold powder, and fresh powder.

Among all the products, the most sought-after are the herbal remedies that benefit women's health and wellness. Considering the various benefits of herbal beverages and the abundance of herbal ingredients available in Madura, it is highly appropriate to introduce information about these herbal drinks to the international community.

Participants in the international short course enthusiastically followed the instructor's guidance to identify the ingredients of herbal remedies and to find the right formulation based on the taste of the completed herbal concoctions. Adams, a student from Curtin University, shared that he was very impressed as it was his first opportunity to experience the unique flavor of Madurese herbal remedies, especially when shown the ingredients involved in their formulation. Meanwhile, Josephine, a student from the University of Western Australia, expressed that she was greatly impressed by the Madurese herbal remedy materials. She found the content engaging and particularly enjoyed the entertaining herbal guessing game.

Imron Wakhid Haris, Ph.D as the Head of International Relation Office Universitas Trunojoyo Madura stated that the activity of international short course will be the routine agenda to support the program World Class University. At the end of the event, Dr. Apri Arisandi, Head of the Master’s Program in Water Resource Management, stated that the Master’s Program in Water Resource Management, which is consistently committed to conservation efforts, will continue to support and actively participate in all activities related to the management of biological resources, particularly in Madura.

Ultimately, all activities, including the presentation of materials, discussions, and games conducted over the course of two hours, generally proceeded as expected and were successful. They provided valuable new insights to all participants regarding Madurese herbal remedies (jamu).

CategoriesNews Headlines Tak Berkategori

Five Faculty Members from FKIP UTM Serve as Guest Lecturers at the Universiti Sains Malaysia

Five lecturers from the Faculty of Education at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura had the opportunity to serve as guest lecturers at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) on July 2, 2024.

For their achievements, the five lecturers from FKIP UTM received appreciation and an outpouring of praise.

The Vice Dean 1 of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at UTM, Mochammad Ahied, S.Si., M.Si., expresses pride in the achievements of his colleagues.

"This is a form of international recognition of the academic quality and expertise of our faculty," he stated.

In addition to guest lectures, five lecturers from the Faculty of Education have also initiated other programs that can be aligned with UTM's vision to become the basis for future collaborations. These collaborations encompass research partnerships, joint article writing, journal reviewing, the enhancement of teaching and learning quality through the exchange of best practices in the academic field, and program mobility.

Five of the lecturers included Dr. Mochammad Ahied, S.Si., M.Si.; Muchamad Arif, S.Pd., M.Pd.; Fachrur Rozie, S.Pd., M.Pd.; Fikri Nazarullail, S.Pd., M.Pd.; and Izzah Fijriyah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

"We hope that this collaboration will strengthen the relationship between our universities and open broader opportunities for both students and faculty members of the Faculty of Educational at UTM," he concluded.

CategoriesHeadlines Information

Announcement of Single Tuition Fee (UKT) Installments for New Students via SNBT for the Odd Semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025

Nomor : B/2371/UN46.2/KU.03.04/2024


In relation to the determination of the Tuition Fees (UKT) for new students admitted through the SNBT pathway for the academic year 2024/2025, if students have any objections to the set amount, they may apply for installment payments. The process for installment payments is conducted offline by completing the form provided at the Integrated Service Unit (ULT) located on the 1st floor of Graha Utama Building, no later than July 4, 2024.

For further information please click: Announcement of UKT Installments

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Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Successfully Organizes the Madura DigiCreative Festival 2024

Bangkalan – Universitas Trunojoyo Madura played a significant role in the success of the Madura DigiCreative Festival in 2024.

This event was held with great success and festivity at the UTM Meeting Hall, a collaborative effort between the East Java Representative Office of Bank Indonesia (KPw BI).

With the theme of Integrating Digital Finance and Creative Economy, this festival was one of the pre-event activities for the Indonesian Digital Finance and Economy Festival (FEKDI) 2024.

The Vice Rector III of UTM, Mr. Surokim, S.Sos., S.H., M.Si., also expressed his appreciation for the success of the event.

On behalf of the UTM Rector, Surokim expressed gratitude for the opportunity entrusted for the collaboration and for the support from Bank Indonesia (BI) to the campus, not only through scholarships.

“Thank you very much for your collaboration. This has been an exceptional activity throughout our organization. We hope it continues to be sustainable,” he stated.

Surokim hoped that in the future, the event will continue for the advancement of public literacy and UTM.

According to him, the current generation cannot rely solely on IQ, EQ, and SQ competencies. It is also crucial to possess a digital quotient and an Indonesian quotient, as these are essential literacies for both society and UTM in the current digital era.

"We are able to collaborate to enhance digital literacy through the Madura DigiCreative Festival event, while simultaneously improving both digital and financial literacy in the current digital era," he stated.

Meanwhile, Deputy of the East Java Bank Indonesia Representative Office, Erwindo Kolopaking, expressed gratitude and congratulations on the 23rd anniversary of UTM.

The theme of the festival focuses on the sustainable economy of Madura. It includes promoting creative economy within the community, which aligns with the current advancements in digital financial technology.

"May this festival serve as a means of collaboration. I extend my sincere appreciation to the regional government, UTM, and the banking sector for their support of this event," he asserted.

On the same occasion, Acting Regent of Bangkalan, Arief M. Edie, conveyed that Bangkalan will progress by supporting economic and cultural activities.

"I would like to express my gratitude and hope that the people of Bangkalan will welcome and embrace this digitalization for the advancement of the nation," he emphasized.

The party appreciated Bank Indonesia for its initiative to promote digital banking. Through this digital advancement, it is possible to minimize the occurrence of corruption within the government.

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LPPM UTM Presents Professor Dr. Yanwar Pribadi as the Keynote Speaker at the National Seminar about Madura

Bangkalan – The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura was hosting a National Seminar titled "Envisioning the Future of Madura from Various Perspectives." The seminar held at the Graha Utama Building, 10th Floor, Syaichona Muhammad Cholil Hall, on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

The event featured several distinguished speakers in their respective fields, including Prof. Dr. Yanwar Pribadi, Ph.D.

Yanwar Pribadi is a lecturer at the International Islamic University of Indonesia (UIII) and UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia.

The alumnus of Leiden University is one of the more prolific writers and researchers, contributing to a number of prestigious journals both domestically and internationally.

Also present as speakers were Fina Itriyati, Ph.D. from UGM, Yogyakarta; Dr. Tatik Hidayati, M.Ag. from Universitas Annuqayah, Sumenep; and Achdiyar Redi Setiawan, Ph.D. from UTM.

The Chair of the LPPM UTM, Dr. Ir. Gita Pawana, M.Si, emphasized in his address that this event is expected to generate strategic thoughts and analyses for developing the Madura community in line with our goals, utilizing the existing potential and local wisdom.

"Upholding noble values in society is essential and can serve as a means to maintain harmony with the environment and nature," he emphasized.

According to him, promoting the cultivation of science, technology, and the arts must be emphasized.

"It is hoped that the collection of papers will not only serve as proceedings but also have the potential to become a book. It could enrich and add flavor to Indonesian culture," he requested.

Meanwhile, Dr. Iskandar Dzulkarnain, M.Si, as the event coordinator, expressed that this activity is expected to bring forth ideas and a spirit for developing Madura through the cultural spirit of Madura.

Iskandar mentioned that UTM could establish a Madura Museum in the future. This museum would serve as a repository for a variety of collections, ranging from ancient manuscripts to historical artifacts related to Madura Island, allowing for their continued examination and study.

"Moving forward, a Madura Museum will be established. Currently, there is only the Madura Corner. The Madura Corner is a place for storing and collecting various manuscripts—ancient manuscripts concerning Madura," said Iskandar.

The National Seminar is also attended by 50 presenters who will present their written works. They come from several prestigious universities on the island of Java, including the Yayasan Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan.



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