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One day Business training “Inovasi dan kreatifitas dalam wirausaha: mengubah ide menjadi realitas”

Bangkalan- Inkubator Bisnis Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) Sukses Menggelar acara Seminar Bertajuk one Day Business Training. Acara tersebut menghadirkan Mehdyriza Founder Kebun sayur pada Kamis, 20 Juni 2024 di Aula Syaikhona Muhammad Kholil Lantai 10 UTM.

Acara dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor bidang Kemahasiswaan UTM Surokim S.Sos., M.Si. Beliau memaparkan bahwa banyak sekema kementerian yang memiliki concern pada dunia Wirausaha.

“Peluangnya ada, Dan saya berharap semakin banyak prestasi mahasiswa dari bidang Ini”. Ujar Surokim.

Berwirausaha merupakan proses pengelolaan suatu usaha yang dilakukan secara mandiri. Wirausaha tidak hanya berbekal pengetahuan dan keterampilan saja namun juga diperlukan mental sebagai seorang yang visioner tanpa pernah takut merasa gagal dan bangkit bergerak. Pentingnya inovasi, adaptasi dan strategis pasar dalam mengembangkan bisnis dengan nilai guna yang berkualitas.

“Modal memang menjadi dilema banyak orang. Dengan menerapkan sistem modal bagi hasil bisa menjadi alternatif untuk memulai sebuah usaha” Ujar Mehdyriza Founder Kebun Sayur.

Para wirausahawan juga dibekali dengan berbagai tips praktis untuk mengatasi tantangan seperti permodalan dan pencapaian, uang dan impian. Ketiganya saling berkaitan dan harus memiliki tujuan guna mencapai masa depan untuk mewujudkan yang diinginkan.

Dalam penutup kegiatan Pemateri memberikan arahan bahwa Wirausaha juga membutuhkan pengembangan dari sisi koneksi sosial. Menjaga hubungan baik antara sesama pelaku usaha dan penanam modal dibutuhkan agar usaha memiliki partner terpercaya dan pendanaan cukup. Kepercayaan juga menjadi faktor penentu untuk menjalankan sebuah bisnis.

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Gelar Aksi Sosial di Pulau Gili Genting, Ini yang Dilakukan Mahasiswa PMM4 UTM di Sumenep

Sumenep, – Sejumlah mahasiswa Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka  (PMM4) dari Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) menggelar kegiatan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Berkelanjutan di Pulau Gili Genting, di Sumenep.

Aksi sosial yang dilakukan mahasiswa PMM4 UTM di kabupaten Sumenep berlangsung selama dua hari, tepatnya dari tanggal 14 hingga 15 Juni 2024, di Pulau Gili Genting kabupaten Sumenep, Madura, Jawa Timur.

Dalam kegiatan ini, sebanyak 113 mahasiswa dari 22 provinsi dan 44 universitas yang berasal dari Sabang sampai Merauke, Tergabung dalam program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) 4 UTM yakni modul nusantara kontribusi sosial.

Siti Fadjryana Fitroh, S. PSi., M.A, selaku PIC PMM4 menyebutkan bahwa para mahasiswa tersebut didampingi dosen modul nusantara yang sudah berinteraksi selama 1 semester dalam PMM4.

“Kegiatan kontribusi sosial memilih di selenggarakan di pulau gili genting dengan tujuan untuk memberikan dampak positif keterlibatan mahasiswa PMM untuk masyarakat madura lewat pemberdayaan, sekaligus promosi destinasi pariwisata,” ungkapnya.

Lebih lanjut, Siti Fadjryana menjelaskan dengan harapan akan dipromosikan lewat media sosial oleh mahasiswa nusantara sehingga bisa membawa dampak positif menghidupkan salah satu destinasi madura.

“Mengusung tema “pemberdayaan masyarakat pesisir dan pelestarian lingkungan berkelanjutan: dulu, kini dan nanti di gili genting,” ujarnya.

Sekadar diketahui bahwa selama di Pulau Gili Genting, program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) 4 UTM modul nusantara kontribusi sosial melakukan kegiatan sebagai berikut :

– kegiatan kelompok 1 dibimbing  Parisca Indra Perdana Parade seni budaya dan pelepasan tukik yang diselenggarakan di bibir pantai gili genting.

– kegiatan kelompok 2 di bimbing  Luluk Hanifah Sosialisasi anti bullying diselenggarakan di SMPN 1 GILI GENTING.

– kegiatan kelompok 3 dibimbing  Citra Lutfia Sosialisasi gerakan hidup bersih sehat diselenggarakan di balai desa.

– kegiatan kelompok 4 dibimbing  Farid Ardyansyah aksi generasi peduli literasi diselenggarakan di taman baca hiburan bringsang bersama adek2 SDN BRINGSANG 1 GILI GENTING.

– kegiatan kelompok 5 dibimbing  AB Candra konservasi wilayah pesisir (penanaman bibit cemara udang) dan pelepasan tukik

Beberapa kegiatan dilaksanakan di taman bringsan dihadiri, Bapak Camat Gili Genting, Kepala Bumdes, Beserta Danramil, dan juga masyarakat.

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Pimpinan UTM Hadiri Sosialisasi Peran Akademisi dan Media Dalam Pencegahan Korupsi di Surabaya

Surabaya – Pimpinan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura  menghadiri kegiatan sosialisasi aksi penguatan pencegahan korupsi melalui penguatan pengawas internal dalam program pembangunan.

Acara tersebut diikuti sejumlah awak media media dan para akademisi di Jawa Timur yang digelar  di Lantai 8 Gedung Sekretariat Daerah Pemprov Jatim, pada 13 Juni 2023.

Hadir dalam pertemuan tersebut, Rektor Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) Dr. Safi’ SH.,MH, Wakil Rektor bidang Kemahasiswaan  UTM Surokim., S.Sos., M.Si. serta beberapa pejabat UTM.

Surokim menyampaikan bahwa acara ini bisa menguatkan langkah pencegahan korupsi di Indonedia.

“Melalui acara ini diharapkan dapat menguatkan langkah dan upaya perbaikan strategi nasional dalam pencegahan korupsi nasional,”  kata Surokim.

Menurutnya, acara ini sebagai bagian dari upaya penguatan strategi nasional pencegahan korupsi akibat minimnya kualitas dan kuantitas SDM dalam mengawasi perencanaan, implementasi  dan evaluasi pembangunan.

Dalam upaya pencegahan korupsi, KPK melalui  Stranas KPK dibawah naungan Deputi Pencegahan dan Monitoring KPK terus aktif melakukan kampanye di sejumlah institusi.

Salah satunya, KPK turutserta dalam menyelenggarakan sosialisasi aksi penguatan pencegahan korupsi melalui penguatan pengawas internal dalam program pembangunan.

Sekadar diketahui bahwa Peran Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) sebagai lembaga negara dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya bersifat independen dan secara khusus bertugas untuk memberantas korupsi di Indonesia.

Dilansir dari lama disebutkan sejumlah langkah dan strategi dalam pencegahan korupsi.

Korupsi merupakan kejahatan melawan hukum yang luar biasa dan seringkali dilakukan secara kolektif.

Anehnya lagi, tanpa disadari bahwa perkara tindak pidana korupsi kerap melibatkan orang dekat atau bahkan anggota keluarga.

Karenanya, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) sangat menekankan bahwa pencegahan korupsi sejatinya dapat dimulai dari lingkup terkecil, yakni pembentukan keluarga berintegritas.

“Dari sisi penindakan, KPK mencatat sejumlah kasus korupsi dengan pelaku yang berasal dari 21 keluarga dalam hubungannya sebagai suami dan istri, orang tua dan anak, maupun kakak dan adik, modusnya antara lain terkait pengadaan barang dan jasa, perizinan pemanfaatan ruang hingga terkait sengketa pilkada,” kata Juru Bicara Bidang Pencegahan KPK, Ipi Maryati.

Menurutnya, setidaknya ada 3 fungsi keluarga, yang berperan besar dalam pembentukan keluarga berintegritas untuk menjauhi perilaku koruptif, di antaranya; fungsi afeksi, sosialisasi, dan pembentukan identitas sosial.

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The FISIB UTM Anniversary Opens with a "Nyanting Nyantai" Seminar Event

Bangkalan, the Series of Cultural Month events in celebration of the 16th anniversary of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences at Universitas Trunojoyo University (FISIB UTM), was inaugurated with a collaborative batik waxing activity (Nyanting) held in the courtyard of FISIB UTM on Monday, June 10, 2024.

The event was inaugurated with a ceremony, during which the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Sciences, Dr. Dinara Maya Julijanti S.Sos., M.Si., explained that this year's anniversary is themed "Cultural Harmony, Achieving Excellence & Acceleration," inspired by the cultural climate amid global challenges.

"This event is a collaboration with students from the MICE (Meeting Incentive Convention and Exhibition) course, featuring Mrs. Supik, a cultural expert and batik enthusiast from Tresna Art."

Additionally, the anniversary will be celebrated with a variety of events including a Batik Waxing Seminar, Sholawat, Cultural Bazaar, Scientific Oration, and Film Screening. Dinara outlined that the series of events totals 16 activities, in accordance with FISIB UTM's 16th anniversary.

"There are 16 activities. The most anticipated one is usually the Bazaar. Hopefully, the participants' enthusiasm will increase," Dinara stated.

The speaker for today's seminar, Mrs. Supik, presented material on batik as a heritage from our ancestors. Batik holds high philosophical value; additionally, Madurese batik possesses intriguing historical and cultural significance.

"Batik holds the meaning of throwing dots. Batik Madura itself, especially in Tanjung Bumi, has a history originating from the wives who filled their time waiting for their husbands to return from sailing," explained Supik.

Furthermore, today's opening activities will be followed by a congregational Sholawat session at KH. Abdurahman Wahid Mosque at 6:00 PM, led by Habib Idris Aidid and the UTM Ihfadz Student Activity Unit.

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Visit of UTM to Pendekar Temasek Academy in Singapore, Getting to Know the Art of Pencak Silat

The Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) has received an invitation from Singapore to attend a cross-cultural discussion on pencak silat at the Pendekar Temasek Academy, on June 8, 2024.

A delegation from UTM was warmly welcomed by Uncle Iskandar Muda and his students at the Pendekar Temasek Academy.

 In this visit, they mutually engage in learning, particularly concerning the history of pencak silat, various styles of pencak silat, and the significance of each technique in pencak silat.

In its history, Pencak Silat is a traditional martial art originating from Indonesia.

Until now, the existence of martial arts from Indonesia has also been recognized by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage. This designation was made during the 14th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, held in Bogota, Colombia, from December 9th to 14th, 2019.

In its development, this martial art is widely known in Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand.

It is worth noting that fundamentally, the naming of martial arts techniques in Indonesia (especially in Java) and Singaporean silat are nearly identical.

Surokim, S.Sos., M.Si., Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Cooperation of UTM, elucidated that this activity is an effort to strengthen the Malay ethnic identity in Indonesia.

"In essence, the martial art of pencak silat in Indonesia (Java) and Singapore share similar names for their techniques. However, what distinguishes them is the style of the techniques. For instance, in Pendekar Temasek, they employ the style of tiger techniques, whereas in Indonesia, there are streams that utilize styles such as monkey techniques and others," said Surokim.

As a Malay ethnic group with a majority of Muslims, the meaning contained in each move is almost the same, namely the teachings of Islam. Surokim explained about the movements and poses that actually contain Islamic values and propagation within them.

"In one of the hand and arm positions resembling the word 'Muhammad,' it signifies that a martial artist must always remember and adhere to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, even in times of adversity," he expressed.

At the conclusion of the discussion session, the delegation from UTM was given four copies of the book "Pendekar Silat Temasek" by Uncle Iskandar Muda.

Not only did they attend the Pendekar Temasek Academy, but previously, the delegation from UTM also had the opportunity to participate in the Festival Reog Barong Antar Bangsa 2024 organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia, held at the Keraton Mbah Anang, Muar Johor.

Surokim also appreciated the cultural harmony activity. According to him, we should have taken pride in the cultural richness we possessed and continually strived to ensure the vitality of our culture.

"We aim for our culture to thrive and continually evolve within society, and to be able to perform well in countries beyond," he concluded.

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Proudly, the Artistic Team of Reog Laskar Trunojoyo Performed at the International Reog Barong Festival in Johor

It was a prideful moment when the Seni Reog Barongan team from Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) had the opportunity to participate in enhancing the Cultural Event in Johor, Malaysia, from June 6th to 8th, 2024.

The Festival of Reog Barong Antar Bangsa 2024 is being organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia, held at the Keraton Mbah Anang in Muar, Johor.

In that occasion, Laskar Trunojoyo UTM participated as the opening participant in the Festival of Reog Barong Antar Bangsa 2024, which is regularly held every year.

The event took place in Johor, Malaysia, featuring a series of cross-national cultural discussions followed by a performance of Reog Barong art by teams from various countries.

A contingent of teams participating in the Festival of Reog comprises art teams representing Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.

The appearance of the Reog Barongan performance has become highly anticipated by the wider community. The show is consistently spectacular with mesmerizing attractions.

The agile movements accompanied by energetic music enhance the magical and entertaining impression for the audience.

Surokim, S.Sos, M.Si, Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, takes pride in the participation of UTM students in this event. He also appreciates the cultural exchange initiative.

"We aspire for our culture to thrive and continually evolve within society, and to be able to perform well in other countries," he expressed.

According to him, the Reog Barongan Laskar Trunojoyo art team has garnered attention and interest from both the public and cultural observers due to the beautiful dance movements and messages they present.

"We are proud to be part of the success of this international reog art festival as a manifestation of our care and support for the preservation and promotion of our cultural heritage on the international stage," he expressed.

"We are ready to continue collaborating and working together in advancing this culture to the international community," he concluded.

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LPPM UTM Hadirkan Prof Dr Yanwar Pribadi sebagai Narasumber pada Seminar Nasional tentang Madura

Bangkalan, – Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menggelar Seminar Nasional “Menatap masa depan Madura Dalam Ragam Perspektif” yang bertempat di Gedung Graha Utama lt. 10 Aula Syaichona Muhammad Cholil, pada Rabu 26 Juni 2024.

Kegiatan tersebut menghadirkan sejumlah narasumber yang cukup mentereng dibidangnya, salah satunya adalah Prof Dr Yanwar Pribadi, Ph.D.

Yanwar Pribadi merupakan dosen di Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) dan UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia.

Alumni dari Leiden University tersebut, adalah salah satu penulis dan peneliti yang cukup produktif mengisi sejumlah  journal bergengsi di tanah air hingga luar negeri.

Hadir juga sebagai pemateri, Fina Itriyati, Ph.D dari UGM, Yogyakarta, Dr. Tatik Hidayati, M.Ag. dari Universitas Annuqayah, Sumenep serta Achdiyar Redi Setiawan, Ph.D dari UTM.

Ketua LPPM UTM, Dr Ir. Gita Pawana, M.Si, dalam sambutanya menegaskan kegiatan ini diharapkan bisa melahirkan Pemikiran, strategis, analisis dalam membangun masyarakat Madura seperti apa yang hendak kita capai melalui potensi dan kearifan lokal yang ada.

“Nilai-nilai luhur di masyarakat harus dijaga dan bisa menjadi sarana menjaga harmonisasi untuk lingkungan dan alamnya,” tegasnya.

Menurutnya, membudayakan pengembangan sains, teknologi dan seni harus digaungkan.

” Harapanya, kumpulan makalah nantinya bukan sekadar l sebagai proseding tapi juga bisa jadi buku. Bisa mewarnai dan menggarami budaya Indonesia,” pintanya.

Sementara itu, Dr. Iskandar Dzulkarnain, M.Si selaku ketua pelaksana mengungkapkan bahwa kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu menghadirkan pemikiran dan spirit untuk membangun Madura melalui spirit kebudayaan Madura.

Iskandar menyebutkan bahwa UTM ke depannya bisa mendirikan Museum Madura. Tempat menyimpan beragam koleksi naskah-naskah kuno hingga benda-benda bersejarah mengenai pulau Madura yang bisa ditengok kembali.

“Ke depannya akan membentuk Museum Madura. Saat ini baru ada Pojok Madura. Pojok Madura adalah tempat menyimpan dan mengumpulkan beragam manuskrip – manuskrip kuno tentang Madura,” kata Iskandar.

Kegiatan Seminar Nasional ini juga dihadiri sebanyak 50 pemakalah yang akan presentasi hasil karya tulisnya. Mereka berasal dari beberapa perguruan tinggi ternama di Pulau Jawa, termasuk dari Yayasan Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan.

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Seven Faculties of UTM Participate in Signing the Integrity Pact of the Integrity Zone of UTM Bureaucratic Reform.

Bangkalan - On June 3, 2024, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) held an event for the signing of the Integrity Pact of the Bureaucratic Reform Integrity Zone, as well as a visit from the Supervisory Board of the Public Service Agency (BLU) to UTM.

In this significant event, it is hoped to serve as a marker of UTM's commitment to integrity and transparency. Through the signing of this Integrity Pact, UTM reaffirms its dedication to administering governance that is clean and transparent, with the aim of enhancing public trust and the quality of services at UTM.

The event took place at the Meeting Room of the UPT TIK and was attended by several invitees. Among the attendees were the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of UTM BLU, Nur Syarifah, S.H., LLM, as well as members of the Supervisory Board Prof. Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie, Ph.D., and Tri Tenggo' Sukmono, S.E.

The Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H., along with the deans (Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dean of the Islamic Faculty, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Education, and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering), signed an Integrity Pact witnessed by the Board of Supervisors. This Integrity Pact encompasses commitments to:

Take proactive measures in preventing and eradicating Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism, and refrain from engaging in reprehensible acts. Do not request or accept bribes, gifts, assistance, or any other form of gratification that contravenes applicable regulations.

Maintaining transparency, honesty, objectivity, and accountability in performing duties. Avoiding conflicts of interest in the execution of tasks.

Providing examples of compliance with laws and regulations, particularly among employees under supervision and fellow colleagues in the workplace. Conveying information on integrity violations within the UTM Law Faculty and maintaining the confidentiality of witnesses to reported rule infractions.

Ready to face the consequences if those above mentioned are violated. In his address, UTM Rector Dr. Safi', SH, MH reaffirmed the commitment to continually seek input and guidance from the BLU Supervisory Board so that UTM can ultimately achieve its strategic objectives.

"I also appeal to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the members of the Board of Supervisors to continue providing support, input, and guidance," he concluded.

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Visit of the Boar of Supervisor of the BLU to UTM and Handover of 2023 Audited Financial Report

The visit of the Supervisory Board of the BLU to Universitas Trunojoyo Madura for the purpose of introduction, socialization of duties, and presentation of the 2023 financial report was successfully conducted at the UPT TIK Meeting Room building on Monday, June 3, 2024.

In this occasion, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H, as the Rector of UTM, also signed the Integrity Pact for the Declaration of Integrity Zone along with the Deans, witnessed by the Board of Supervisors.

Presenting as the speakers, Chair of the Supervisory Board of BLU UTM, Nur Syarifah, SH. LLM, along with members, Professor TjiTjik Srie Tjahjandarie, Ph.D., and Tri Tenggo Sukmono, S.E.

UTM's Rector, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H, conveyed in his speech regarding the presence of the Chairman of the UTM BLU Supervisory Board and members, "UTM was transformed into a BLU last year, precisely on May 22, 2023. The UTM BLU Supervisory Board was also newly formed on February 28, 2024," stated Safi’.

Safi' hoped that everyone would remain motivated to strive for the advancement of UTM.

"I also request the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BLU UTM and members to continue providing support, input, and guidance," he asserted.

Meanwhile, in her presentation, Nur Syarifah, SH, LLM., explained matters related to the procurement of goods and services and the forms of financial statements.

At the end, UTM's Rector and Supervisory Board of BLU UTM along with the deans and leaders visited the Supervisory Board Room of the Graha Utama Building on the 6th floor.

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Signing of the Cooperation Agreement and Commencement of the Restorative Justice House by the East Java High Prosecutor's Office

Bangkalan – Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) held a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony with the East Java High Prosecutor's Office at the Syaichona Muhammad Cholil Hall, Graha Rectorate Building, UTM, on June 3, 2024.

On this occasion, the Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office, Dr. Mia Amiati, SH., MH., CMA, CSSL, along with her team, were present in person at UTM. In addition to signing the MOU, the East Java High Prosecutor's Office also commenced the Restorative Justice House. The commencement took place at the Graha Utama UTM on the 6th floor and was symbolically marked by a flower-cutting ceremony conducted by the Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office and the Rector of UTM, witnessed by the invited guests.

The event continued with a guest lecture delivered by the Chief Prosecutor of East Java, attended by hundreds of students. The event was attended by the District Attorneys of East Java, Bangkalan's Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkompimda), Vice Rectors, the Deans, and students. In his welcoming speech, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H., expressed his gratitude for the presence of the Chief Prosecutor of East Java and her team at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

According to him, it is a great pleasure for UTM to welcome the leader of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office. This visit is particularly significant as it involves the signing of a MOU related to the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and the development of human resources.

Dr. Safi briefly explained the history of UTM and the number of study programs available. He expressed hope that the East Java Prosecutor's Office could, in the future, participate in delivering practitioner lectures in the field of law. Dr. Safi also revealed that UTM is in the process of establishing a Faculty of Medicine next year.

“We are also grateful for the presence of the Head of the High Prosecutor's Office at UTM, as it brings blessings. This is because UTM can welcome the heads of district prosecutor’s offices from several regencies in East Java. Inviting them individually would be very difficult and costly,” he stated.

Meanwhile, the Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office, Dr. Mia Amiati, SH., MH., CMA, CSSL, explained her visit to UTM. "Our presence here is in connection with the signing of an MoU related to the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and the development of human resources," she stated.

According to her, the activity could be realized thanks to the initiative of the leadership of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. In her presentation, she explained the role of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office and what collaborations could be established with state institutions.

"I feel proud of the tremendous reception. Of course, all thanks to the initiative and hard work of the UTM leadership, especially the UTM Rector," she expressed.

All hope that, in the future, the results of this collaboration will lead to further excellence and quality improvement in higher education institutions. At the end of the guest lecture session, the the High Prosecutor's Office of East Java and District Prosecutor’s Offices held a photo session with the leaders of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.



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Jl. Raya Telang,PO BOX 02 Kecamatan Kamal, Bangkalan East Java 69162 Indonesia

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