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Presenting Keynote Speaker Director of Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPK-RI), UTM Hosts Anti-Corruption Lecture with Students

Bangkalan - Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) held Anti-Corruption Lecture attended by students in Syaikhona Muhammad Cholil Hall Graha Utama Building UTM, on May 30, 2024.

Present as a speaker was Amir Arief. SST., SH., M.SI., CA, CFE, Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaigns at the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPK-RI). The event was attended by the Rector, Vice Rectors, Deans, students of UTM, and representatives of the Merdeka Student Exchange program (PMM).

In his speech, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi', SH., MH., emphasized that corruption is like a ticking time bomb in every aspect of societal life. "Therefore, it is imperative for UTM to promptly develop an anti-corruption education curriculum as an anti-corruption course for students," he stated.

The Rector of UTM also expressed gratitude to the keynote speaker who graciously attended to share his knowledge with the students.

"Thank you, Mr. Amir Arief, for taking the time to visit UTM and deliver a public lecture to the students. We hope that during this event, the students will be able to absorb and take note of everything that Mr. Amir Arief will convey," said Safi'.

Meanwhile, Amir Arief, SST., SH., M.SI., CA, CFE, stated that there are five factors that can lead someone to commit corruption. "An individual engages in corruption due to these five criteria, including having Power, Arrogance, Opportunity, Pressure, and Rationalization, and cannot be separated from these five criteria," he concluded.

The event concludes with the presentation of mementos from UTM to the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia, and reciprocally, from the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia to UTM, followed by a group photograph.

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Collaborative Coastal Disaster Mitigation Initiatives Between the Master’s Program in Natural Resource Management and the East Java Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

On Monday, May 29, 2024, the East Java Marine Affairs and Fisheries, through its Situbondo Branch Office, in collaboration with the Master's Program in Natural Resources Management (PSDA) of the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, conducted coastal mitigation training in Bangkalan Regency. Recently, coastal disasters have frequently occurred in various regions of Indonesia, causing significant material losses and even fatalities. Therefore, routine coastal disaster mitigation initiatives are imperative and must be carried out through activities such as outreach, training, and technical guidance. Participating in this activity were the Bangkalan Regency Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, community groups (Pokmas), community-based surveillance groups (Pokmaswas), and fisheries extension officers from Bangkalan Regency.

Yiyik Windah Yulianti, M.Si, the Head of the Marine Conservation Section at the Situbondo Regional Office, stated that the role of guidance is to provide the community with an understanding of the potential and reduction of coastal disaster risks in Bangkalan. In his presentation, Dr. Apri Arisandi conveyed that coastal disaster mitigation is a necessary step in disaster management efforts. With the primary objective of reducing expenses, eliminating casualties, and minimizing losses, emphasis is placed on the pre-disaster stage, particularly on mitigation activities.

This coastal disaster mitigation training activity is a continuation of the socialization conducted one year earlier. The training aims to change the mindset of coastal communities from resource exploitation to sustainable productive conservation. Therefore, collaboration with the Master of Natural Resource Management (PSDA) program, the only master's program at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura with a conservation vision, is essential. Ultimately, all activities, including material presentations and discussions, generally proceeded well and met expectations.

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UTM Rector: 'Islamic Economy Theme Needs to be Expanded'

Bangkalan – The Islamic Faculty at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) successfully organized a workshop on synergy and strengthening of sharia economic institutions on Wednesday, May 28, 2024.

The workshop on the theme of synergy and strengthening of islamic economic institutions through the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar (MBKM) program and the halal industry curriculum was attended by Islamic Economics Study Programs from across East Java. The speakers included Dr. Khoirun Nisa’ Musari, ST, MMT, Khoirun Nasik, S.HI., M.HI., and Amin Firdausy, S.E., M.A.

In his remarks, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H., the Rector of UTM, expressed his appreciation for the organization of the workshop.

"The promotion of the sharia economy continues to be intensified so that it can become a pillar of the economy implemented in Indonesia in the future," he stated.

According to Safi', the most perfect system is the one derived from God's revelation, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

"In this context, which is Islamic economics based on the holy book, the Quran," he stated.

According to him, a good economy prioritizes honesty, justice, and equity. "So that wealth does not accumulate among a few people and can be enjoyed by all members of society," he concluded.

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The Opening of UTM's 23rd Anniversary, Here's the Rector's Hope

Bangkalan – The opening ceremony of the 23rd Anniversary events of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) and the simultaneous Launching of the Business Management Agency (BPU) were successfully held in the Syaikhona Kholil Hall, Graha Utama UTM, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

The Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H, officially inaugurated the event ceremonially by striking a gong, followed by the embedding of t-shirts bearing the UTM Anniversary logo.

The event's chief executive symbolically presented the UTM Anniversary logo shirts to the UTM Rector and the Vice Rectors.

Ketua Pelaksana Dies Natalis UTM, Dr. Ris Yuwono Yudo Nugroho, S.E. M.Si. dalam sambutannya menjelaskan spirit yang dibawa UTM serta makna dari logo Dies Natalis UTM ke-23.

According to him, the 23rd anniversary of UTM adopts the tagline "Soaring forward for the nation."

"The UTM can be part of the transformation of Madura and Indonesia society. It soars forward to bring hope and success in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, the UTM Rector expressed gratitude for the commitment demonstrated by the entire Academic Community in advancing UTM. Additionally, Safi’ elucidated on the presence and role of the newly launched BPU.

"We strive for UTM to become a beacon of hope for many and to provide tangible contributions to society," Safi' expressed hope.

Safi' also narrated the achievements attained by UTM as well as the initiatives required to elevate UTM into a more dignified campus.

"In the upcoming Anniversary Celebration, there will be numerous agendas and competitions, one of which includes a leisurely walk event with a grand prize of Umrah pilgrimage to the Holy Land," he stated.

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UTM and the Bangkalan District Attorney's Office Hold a Signing Ceremony for a Cooperation Agreement

Bangkalan - The Bangkalan District Attorney's Office visited Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

The visit was in the context of signing a Cooperation Agreement between the Bangkalan District Attorney's Office and UTM.

Present were the Rector of UTM, all Vice Rectors, and the top officials of the Bangkalan District Attorney's Office.

In his address, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H, expressed gratitude for the occurrence of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

According to him, there are two Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) established between UTM and the Bangkalan District Attorney's Office. Firstly, an MoU pertaining to the Tri Dharma, and secondly, an MoU concerning civil legal assistance and state administration supporting the Merdeka Belajar.

Safi' expressed, 'Since Nadiem Makarim took office of the Ministry of Education, there has been the introduction of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka'.

Safi’ continued, the learning process integrated academia and practitioners.

"The process undertaken by UTM is aimed at application within society. UTM not only teaches abstract concepts but also ensures practicality and relevance for the community," he emphasized.

Safi' expressed the hope that the existence of the MoU would not merely stop at the MoU itself but would entail tangible follow-up actions. "For example, follow-ups in the form of MoUs, particularly in the field of Higher Education Tri Dharma, by filling courses in classes," Safi' said.

Meanwhile, the Chief Prosecutor of Bangkalan District, Dr. Fahmi, S.H., expressed his gratitude and pride in being able to maintain collaboration with UTM in his address.

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The Fourth Change in Registration Schedule for New Students Admitted Through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

The Fourth Change


National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP)


Number : B/ 1707/UN46/TM.01.00/2024


Hereby, we extend our sincerest apologies for the schedule change attached below:

To all participants of the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) in the year 2024 who have successfully passed the selection as prospective students at Trunojoyo Madura University, REGARDING THE SCHEDULE CHANGE FOR RE-REGISTRATION : :

download here The Change in Registration Schedule for SNBP

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The 10th Sparkling Anniversary of Faculty of Education UTM, Igniting the Spirit of Emancipation and Future Great Teachers

Bangkalan - The 10th Sparkling Anniversary of Faculty of Education (FIP) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) was successfully held on May 15, 2024.

The theme "Creativity, Innovation, and Emancipation" in the realm of women, this Anniversary is navigated through a series of competitions and educational seminars.

Present at the culmination of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of FIP UTM's Anniversary were the Vice Rector for Student Affairs of UTM, Deans, assistant deans of FIP, as well as Program Chairs and faculty members.

In his address, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Surokim, S.Sos., M.Si., expressed appreciation for the festivities of the 10th anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Education this year.

"The existence of FIP, especially concerning the accreditation of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, serves as a reference at UTM," he praised.

Surokim hoped that this activity can bring positive energy. We continuously convey this hope to the entire academic community of UTM.

"At the very least, bringing UTM to a position respected by many. Through hard work. Strengthening spirit. Working together," he said.

According to Surokim, the themes that had been created were relevant and very much in line with the social capital we need today.

"May FIP UTM produce outstanding future teachers who will bring honor to their alma mater and become role models in society," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Education at UTM, Dr. Hani’ah, M.Pd., expressed her gratitude for all the support that has allowed the Faculty of Education to continue to thrive.

"Although the Faculty of Education is relatively young, our enthusiasm to be better is strong. Moreover, we are supported by lecturers and students who continuously innovate," he asserted.

According to reports, FIP celebrated the peak of its anniversary in line with expectations. Despite being a relatively new faculty, FIP continues to fervently strive to become excellent and high-quality.

"Furthermore, FIP also organized an educational seminar featuring an inspiring woman," he stated.

According to her, FIP UTM cannot be separated from the spirit of women's emancipation. One of them is by organizing the "Contemporary Kartini" seminar. Several activities, such as Dance Performances and Excellent UKM (Student Activity Units), as well as awarding prizes to the winners of competitions, and the FIP Ambassador Parade and the PDFIP 2004 Awarding, became a series of events to conclude the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of FIP UTM.

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Faculty of Education at UTM Examines the Role of Women in the VUCA Era

Bangkalan - The Faculty of Education(FIP) of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) held a seminar on the role of women in the field of education, on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. The event took place at the Mohammad Noer Meeting Hall and was attended by the Dean of FIP, Vice Deans, Heads of Study Programs within the FIP environment, faculty members, and students.

Mohammad Ahied, S.Si., M.Si., as the Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Educational, elucidated in his address that the role of women is profoundly vital in navigating daily life.

"Women are also required to be more creative and productive, especially in participating to take on roles in the progress of education in this country," he expressed.

He hoped that the seminar could serve as a space for mutual learning and maximizing the best potential within women. The speakers include Dr. Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd from the Islamic University of Malang, and Dr. Hani’ah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dean of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training at UTM.

Sri Wahyuni serves as the Vice Dean I, Academic Affairs, in the of the FKIP at the Islamic University of Malang. In her presentation, Sri Wahyuni elucidated that the VUCA world referred to the current life circumstances characterized by rapid and unforeseen developments.

"VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity, abbreviated as Vuca," she stated.

Sri, her familiar name, served as a reminder that women should think forward.

"The womenfolk must be able to perform their roles effectively and have a real and positive impact," she asserted.

According to her, current life demanded humans to continually innovate, be creative, and be productive in order to bring about a good and excellent life.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hani'ah, in her presentation, reflected on the responsibilities of men and women. According to her, the role of women was divided according to nature and culture. "According to nature, women are tasked with childbirth, breastfeeding, and menstruation. Whereas according to culture, women are expected to do the laundry, cooking, and household chores," she stated.

Furthermore, Hani’ah elaborated that domestic roles should not hinder women from participating in other roles, such as being a policewoman, lecturer, or doctor. "Women should continue to be role model agents of change," she concluded.

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Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) 4, Understanding the Prominent Culture of Madura

Bangkalan - D. Zawawi Imron and Herdyanto Wijayanto attended as speakers at the event "Inspiring the Charms of Madurese Culture and Cultural Tolerance of the Archipelago" of the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) 4: Nusantara Module at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

The event took place at the Syaikhona Cholil Bangkalan Hall on May 11, 2024, and was attended by the UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, M.H., and the module lecturers.

In his address, the Project Manager, Hotniel Marbun, elucidated that the event was attended by 44 students comprising both public and private higher education institutions from various regions across Indonesia.

"The participants come from various regions. From Sabang to Merauke," Marbun said.

The hope was that this activity could serve as a bridge to introduce Madura to the participants who were currently taking part in the PMM program, getting to know Madurese culture.

"At the very least, they can become acquainted with the prominent culture of the Madurese society," he expressed.

Meanwhile, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’ M.H., appreciated the performance of the supervising lecturers, group leaders, and other parties involved in the activities of PMM 4.

According to him, the activity was attended by students scattered from Sabang to Merauke. They enjoyed the learning process together.

"Here we have the presence of D. Zawawi Imron, a renowned Madurese poet who has gained international recognition and is a source of pride for all of us, and who will be sharing with you," praised Safi'.

Safi hoped that this activity could teach students to be creative and to recognize the characteristics of Madurese culture.

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LPPM UTM Holds National Accredited Journal Management Workshop in 2024

Bangkalan- Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menggelar kegiatan workshop dan pendampingan pengelolaan jurnal terakreditasi nasional di Gedung Graha Utama, pada Rabu, 24 April 2024.

Kegiatan tersebut digelar dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu kualitas publikasi yang terakreditasi nasional di Lingkungan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

Hadir sebagai pembicara Ir. Alfian Ma’arif, ST, M.eng dan Ir. Purwono, S.kom, M.Kom.

Dalam sambutannya, Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik, Achmad Amzeri menegaskan komitmennya untuk mendorong agar UTM kian kompetitif.

Menurutnya, kehadiran dua pemateri di dalam workshop ini diharapkan bisa dimaksimalkan untuk banyak menyerap dan saling belajar.

” Kita maksimalkan agar belajar mengelola jurnal dari orang yang kompeten dibidangnya,” kata Amzeri.

Amzeri mengaku senang dengan semangat yang ditunjukkan peserta workshop dan berharap agar UTM terus bersaing dalam memperbanyak publikasi.

Dalam paparannya Ir. Alfian Ma’arif, ST, memberi materi seputar pemaparan managemen dan pengelolaan jurnal terakreditasi dan bereputasi.

Ir. Purwoto fokus pada materi mengenai pndampingan pengelolaan jurnal terakreditasi dan bereputasi. Sementara itu, Ari Basuki, wakil Rektor 2 UTM turut hadir dan memberikan materi seputar pemaparan tarif jurnal dan pengelolaan keuangan jurnal pada  UTM BLU.



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