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Coastal and Small Island Disaster Mitigation Development in Sumenep: Collaboration between the PSDA Master's Program and the East Java Marine and Fisheries Department

Sumenep - Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the East Java Maritime and Fisheries Office, through the Situbondo Branch Office as the organizer, in collaboration with the Master of Natural Resource Management (PSDA) program from the Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura and the Maritime and Fisheries Office of Sumenep Regency, conducted a coastal and small island disaster mitigation training event in Sumenep Regency.

This activity aims to enhance the awareness of coastal communities regarding potential disasters that can occur at any time. Seasonal changes are closely associated with unpredictable weather conditions, which can sometimes lead to various threats of disasters for coastal communities and small islands. Therefore, disaster mitigation efforts for coastal areas and small islands must be carried out routinely, both structurally and non-structurally.

Participating in this activity are the Romben Guna Village Government, Fishermen Groups, Community Groups, Community Surveillance Groups, and Fisheries Extension Officers of Sumenep Regency. Puji Rahmawati, S.Pi., a staff member of the Situbondo Branch Office, stated that this coaching activity is part of non-structural mitigation, which aims to provide the community with an understanding of vigilance towards potential risks and reducing risks during coastal disasters in Sumenep.

Dr. Apri Arisandi, a lecturer in the Master's Program in Natural Resource Management (PSDA) at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, stated in his presentation that structural mitigation against coastal disasters is not limited to constructing sea walls, wave breakers, and evacuating affected communities. "In line with its primary goal of reducing costs, eliminating casualties and losses, and ensuring long-term effectiveness, the emphasis of mitigation should be placed on the pre-disaster phase, particularly through coastal vegetation planting activities," said Arisandi.

Coastal vegetation is not limited to mangroves; it also includes coconut trees, pandanus, and sea pine. The village of Romben Guna and its surroundings, with their sandy beach typology, are very suitable for sea pine vegetation. According to Dr. Agr. Eko Setiawan, a lecturer in the Master's Program in Natural Resource Management (PSDA) at the Faculty of Agriculture, UniversitasTrunojoyo Madura, sea pine has the potential for land rehabilitation and soil conservation in coastal areas and small islands with sandy beach typology.

Eko explained, "Having a taproot system, the planting of sea pine along the coast can serve as a protector against high waves and coastal erosion. It also functions to reduce and alter wind speed, which can decrease the wind velocity towards fishermen's settlements.'"

At the end of the event, Yiyik Windah Yulianti, M.Si, Head of the Marine Conservation Section at the Situbondo Branch Office, stated that the coastal and small island disaster mitigation training activities are a continuation of the socialization conducted a year earlier.

"The coaching activities aim to change the mindset of coastal communities regarding the management of coastal resources, from exploitation to sustainable productive conservation. Therefore, collaboration with the Master of Natural Resource Management (PSDA) program, the only master's program at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura with a conservation vision, is highly needed," said Wiwik.

Finally, all the activities, including the presentation of materials and discussions, generally proceeded well and as expected.

CategoriesNews Headlines

The Writing Training Program, Dean of the Faculty of Education UTM Aims to Enhance Competitiveness Among Lecturers and Students

Bangkalan - The Department of Educational, Faculty of Educational (FIP) at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM), held a training on writing teaching materials titled "Strategies for Writing and Publishing Teaching Materials, Reference Books, and Modules with ISBN" at the Aula Syaikhona Mohammad Cholil on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

The event was attended directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Education (FIP), Dr. Hani’ah, M.Pd, Assistant Deans, Heads of Study Programs, Faculty members from the Faculty of Education, as well as partner university lecturers, mentoring teachers from the community service, and students.

The event featured two distinguished speakers in their fields, namely Prof. Dr. Sa’dun Akbar, author of the book "Instrumen Perangkat Pembelajaran," and A Kasyful Anwar, senior editor of Prenadamedia Publisher Group.

Siti Fadjryana Fitroh, S.Psi., M.A., as the head of the organizing committee, conveyed that this activity is expected to produce outputs in the form of books and collaborations between faculty members, students, and partner faculty in instructional material development.

"This activity is also part of our commitment to our partners, especially students and mentor teachers, in completing their final assignments, which involve writing books," she explained.

Siti Fadjryana hoped that the presence of this activity would serve as an opportunity to gain knowledge, especially in the realm of writing educational materials.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Education (FIP), Dr. Hani'ah, M.Pd, hoped that this activity will enlighten participants on how instructional materials should be written.

Hani'ah stated, 'Writing activities, especially in creating teaching materials, provide enlightenment. Clarify their differences.'"

According to her, participants must understand the differences between teaching materials: textbooks, modules, reference books, including their criteria.

"We hope for a lot, especially that lecturers and students can become more competitive and produce their work to the fullest," she concluded.

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Perubahan Daftar Ulang Mahasiswa Baru Jalur Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Tes (SNBT) Tahun Akademik 2024/2025




Number: B/2131/UN46/TM.01.00/2024


Based on the Announcement of the Results of the National Selection Test (SNBT) in 2024, for students who have been declared eligible for admission as prospective students at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura WAJIB required steps must be carried out as follows:

For further information please click: Registration Change for SNBT 2024

CategoriesNews Headlines

Hundreds of Kindergarten and Elementary School Children Participate in Coloring Contest at UTM

Bangkalan - In order to foster a love for cultural arts among students, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) organized a coloring competition among students from Bangkalan on Saturday, June 22, 2024.

The competition was held through a collaboration between UTM Library and UTM Cooperative, exclusively for students ranging from kindergarten to elementary school level in the Bangkalan district.

Hundreds of kindergarten and elementary school children from various institutions enthusiastically participated in the competition. In addition, UTM also held a Book Bazaar.

The Head Librarian of UTM, Dr. Iriani Ismail, MM, appreciated the activity.

"We want to encourage children to express what's on their minds through a coloring competition, utilizing their abilities to express themselves with beautiful and captivating colors," she stated.

Iriani Ismail also expressed pride in parents who accompanied their sons and daughters while hoping to organize similar competitions next year, including painting contests.

Iriani said, 'Later, three winners will be chosen, one from the kindergarten group and two from the elementary school group. Additionally, there is also an exciting door prize awaiting.'"

The competition was also held as part of the 23rd Anniversary celebration of UTM, which took place at the Cakra UTM building.

Two judging panels appointed by the committee in the competition are Achmad Suhirman and Fendy Arizona.

Based on the considerations and decisions of the jury panel's evaluation, the following are the names of the winners of the coloring competition:

Category Level of Kindergarten

First Place Winner: Siti Agnela (TK Al Masduqie)

Second Place Winner: Hazman Aria FA (TK Al Amien)

Third Place Winner: Aishafa Vireindra (TK Dharmawanita)

Category Level of Elementary School

First Place Winner: Keisha Lavano (SDN Kemayoran 1)

Second Place Winner: Naura Hasna (SD Muhammadiyah 1 Bangkalan)

Third Place Winner: Nailatul Habibah (SDN Da’iring)

CategoriesNews Headlines

UTM Signs Memorandum of Understanding in Education and Establishes Collaboration with Principals in Bangkalan

Bangkalan – Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the principals of senior high schools (SMA), vocational high schools (SMK), and Islamic high schools (MA) in Bangkalan on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

At the event, UTM also conducted a socialization session on independent admission pathways and new student enrollment. The event was attended by UTM Rector, Dr. Safi', SH, MH, Acting Regent of Bangkalan, Arief M. Edie, and the principals of senior high schools (SMA), vocational schools (SMK), and Islamic senior high schools (MA) in Bangkalan Regency.

Dalam sambutannya, Arief M. Edie turut mengapresiasi dan menyambut baik kerjasama dibidang pendidikan yang dilakukan UTM tersebut. “Ini momentum yang sangat baik dan perlu dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya oleh seluruh sekolah di kabupaten Bangkalan,” kata Arief.

According to him, what is stipulated in the MoU presented a golden opportunity for graduates of public high schools, vocational schools, and islamic senior high schools to gain admission to UTM. "Especially for students who excel and have a strong desire to pursue higher education," he stated.

The existence of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) paves the way for graduates of senior high schools (SMA), vocational high schools (SMK), and islamic senior high schools (MA) to continue their studies at public universities (PTN), particularly at the Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

Arief hoped that with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), it will improve the human resources (HR) in Bangkalan, leading to a better future. "I hope that the selection of students will not be based on considerations of proximity, family, relatives, and the like," he emphasized.

Arief warmly welcomes the program offered by UTM, one of which is the Advanced Learning Recognition (RPL). "This program can be a breakthrough and provide opportunities for village heads, teachers, and employees who do not yet have a bachelor's degree to obtain one," said Arief.

For him, if all village heads had at least a bachelor's degree, "I get chills thinking about it; it would certainly be very good," concluded Arief.

Meanwhile, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi, revealed that the institution he leads is opening various admission pathways to UTM. "We are making great efforts to accommodate the younger generation to ensure they can receive educational services at public universities," he stated.

"Each school can recommend five students to enter without selection and without being burdened by development fees," he asserted.

According to him, the collaboration initiated by UTM aims to enhance the Human Development Index (HDI) of Bangkalan.

"The independent track this year we have expanded into five tracks. One of them is the collaboration track for students whose schools already have an MoU with UTM," he concluded.

CategoriesNews Headlines

One day Business training “Inovasi dan kreatifitas dalam wirausaha: mengubah ide menjadi realitas”

Bangkalan- Inkubator Bisnis Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) Sukses Menggelar acara Seminar Bertajuk one Day Business Training. Acara tersebut menghadirkan Mehdyriza Founder Kebun sayur pada Kamis, 20 Juni 2024 di Aula Syaikhona Muhammad Kholil Lantai 10 UTM.

Acara dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor bidang Kemahasiswaan UTM Surokim S.Sos., M.Si. Beliau memaparkan bahwa banyak sekema kementerian yang memiliki concern pada dunia Wirausaha.

“Peluangnya ada, Dan saya berharap semakin banyak prestasi mahasiswa dari bidang Ini”. Ujar Surokim.

Berwirausaha merupakan proses pengelolaan suatu usaha yang dilakukan secara mandiri. Wirausaha tidak hanya berbekal pengetahuan dan keterampilan saja namun juga diperlukan mental sebagai seorang yang visioner tanpa pernah takut merasa gagal dan bangkit bergerak. Pentingnya inovasi, adaptasi dan strategis pasar dalam mengembangkan bisnis dengan nilai guna yang berkualitas.

“Modal memang menjadi dilema banyak orang. Dengan menerapkan sistem modal bagi hasil bisa menjadi alternatif untuk memulai sebuah usaha” Ujar Mehdyriza Founder Kebun Sayur.

Para wirausahawan juga dibekali dengan berbagai tips praktis untuk mengatasi tantangan seperti permodalan dan pencapaian, uang dan impian. Ketiganya saling berkaitan dan harus memiliki tujuan guna mencapai masa depan untuk mewujudkan yang diinginkan.

Dalam penutup kegiatan Pemateri memberikan arahan bahwa Wirausaha juga membutuhkan pengembangan dari sisi koneksi sosial. Menjaga hubungan baik antara sesama pelaku usaha dan penanam modal dibutuhkan agar usaha memiliki partner terpercaya dan pendanaan cukup. Kepercayaan juga menjadi faktor penentu untuk menjalankan sebuah bisnis.

CategoriesHeadlines Information

Revised Invitation for the Return Process of Excess UKT Payment for New Students through SNBP Route, Odd Semester, Academic Year 2024/2025.

Number : B/2065/UN46.2/KU.03.04/2024


The invitation is addressed to new students admitted through the SNBP who have received a refund of excess tuition fees and have completed the data submission for the tuition fee refund via the link: Your presence, along with your parents/guardians, is requested for the purpose of receiving the excess tuition fee refund process on Monday, June 24, 2024, at R.P. Mohammad Noer Meeting Hall at 14:00 WIB. undangan terlampir.
Demikian pengumuman ini, atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.
Bangkalan, June 20, 2024
Head of General Affairs and Finance Bureau,
Ningwar, SE.,MM.
NIP. 196503202001121001
CategoriesNews Headlines

Gelar Aksi Sosial di Pulau Gili Genting, Ini yang Dilakukan Mahasiswa PMM4 UTM di Sumenep

Sumenep, – Sejumlah mahasiswa Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka  (PMM4) dari Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) menggelar kegiatan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Berkelanjutan di Pulau Gili Genting, di Sumenep.

Aksi sosial yang dilakukan mahasiswa PMM4 UTM di kabupaten Sumenep berlangsung selama dua hari, tepatnya dari tanggal 14 hingga 15 Juni 2024, di Pulau Gili Genting kabupaten Sumenep, Madura, Jawa Timur.

Dalam kegiatan ini, sebanyak 113 mahasiswa dari 22 provinsi dan 44 universitas yang berasal dari Sabang sampai Merauke, Tergabung dalam program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) 4 UTM yakni modul nusantara kontribusi sosial.

Siti Fadjryana Fitroh, S. PSi., M.A, selaku PIC PMM4 menyebutkan bahwa para mahasiswa tersebut didampingi dosen modul nusantara yang sudah berinteraksi selama 1 semester dalam PMM4.

“Kegiatan kontribusi sosial memilih di selenggarakan di pulau gili genting dengan tujuan untuk memberikan dampak positif keterlibatan mahasiswa PMM untuk masyarakat madura lewat pemberdayaan, sekaligus promosi destinasi pariwisata,” ungkapnya.

Lebih lanjut, Siti Fadjryana menjelaskan dengan harapan akan dipromosikan lewat media sosial oleh mahasiswa nusantara sehingga bisa membawa dampak positif menghidupkan salah satu destinasi madura.

“Mengusung tema “pemberdayaan masyarakat pesisir dan pelestarian lingkungan berkelanjutan: dulu, kini dan nanti di gili genting,” ujarnya.

Sekadar diketahui bahwa selama di Pulau Gili Genting, program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) 4 UTM modul nusantara kontribusi sosial melakukan kegiatan sebagai berikut :

– kegiatan kelompok 1 dibimbing  Parisca Indra Perdana Parade seni budaya dan pelepasan tukik yang diselenggarakan di bibir pantai gili genting.

– kegiatan kelompok 2 di bimbing  Luluk Hanifah Sosialisasi anti bullying diselenggarakan di SMPN 1 GILI GENTING.

– kegiatan kelompok 3 dibimbing  Citra Lutfia Sosialisasi gerakan hidup bersih sehat diselenggarakan di balai desa.

– kegiatan kelompok 4 dibimbing  Farid Ardyansyah aksi generasi peduli literasi diselenggarakan di taman baca hiburan bringsang bersama adek2 SDN BRINGSANG 1 GILI GENTING.

– kegiatan kelompok 5 dibimbing  AB Candra konservasi wilayah pesisir (penanaman bibit cemara udang) dan pelepasan tukik

Beberapa kegiatan dilaksanakan di taman bringsan dihadiri, Bapak Camat Gili Genting, Kepala Bumdes, Beserta Danramil, dan juga masyarakat.

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Announcement of New Student Admissions for Independent Selection at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


Number B/2024/UN45/TM.00.01/2024



SMMUTM-REGULAR is a selection process for new student admissions based on Written Test Score,which is independently organized by Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.


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Registration of New Students through the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) for the Academic Year 2024/2025


National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT)


Based on the Announcement of the Results of National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) In the year 2024, for students who have been declared successful in the selection process as prospective students at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura must undertake the following steps:

Further information please click the link : REGISTRATION OF NEW STUDENTS SNBT 2024



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