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Faculty of Education at UTM Examines the Role of Women in the VUCA Era

Bangkalan - The Faculty of Education(FIP) of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) held a seminar on the role of women in the field of education, on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. The event took place at the Mohammad Noer Meeting Hall and was attended by the Dean of FIP, Vice Deans, Heads of Study Programs within the FIP environment, faculty members, and students.

Mohammad Ahied, S.Si., M.Si., as the Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Educational, elucidated in his address that the role of women is profoundly vital in navigating daily life.

"Women are also required to be more creative and productive, especially in participating to take on roles in the progress of education in this country," he expressed.

He hoped that the seminar could serve as a space for mutual learning and maximizing the best potential within women. The speakers include Dr. Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd from the Islamic University of Malang, and Dr. Hani’ah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dean of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training at UTM.

Sri Wahyuni serves as the Vice Dean I, Academic Affairs, in the of the FKIP at the Islamic University of Malang. In her presentation, Sri Wahyuni elucidated that the VUCA world referred to the current life circumstances characterized by rapid and unforeseen developments.

"VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity, abbreviated as Vuca," she stated.

Sri, her familiar name, served as a reminder that women should think forward.

"The womenfolk must be able to perform their roles effectively and have a real and positive impact," she asserted.

According to her, current life demanded humans to continually innovate, be creative, and be productive in order to bring about a good and excellent life.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hani'ah, in her presentation, reflected on the responsibilities of men and women. According to her, the role of women was divided according to nature and culture. "According to nature, women are tasked with childbirth, breastfeeding, and menstruation. Whereas according to culture, women are expected to do the laundry, cooking, and household chores," she stated.

Furthermore, Hani’ah elaborated that domestic roles should not hinder women from participating in other roles, such as being a policewoman, lecturer, or doctor. "Women should continue to be role model agents of change," she concluded.

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The Second Change in Registration Schedule for New Students Admitted Through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) for the 2024/2025 Academic Year





Number: B/1465/UN46/TM.01.00/2024

Hereby we extend our sincerest apologies for the schedule change attached as follows:

To all participants of the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) in 2024 who have successfully passed the selection as prospective students at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, ABOUT CHANGE OF REGISTRATION SCHEDULE:

Download Here!


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Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) 4, Understanding the Prominent Culture of Madura

Bangkalan - D. Zawawi Imron and Herdyanto Wijayanto attended as speakers at the event "Inspiring the Charms of Madurese Culture and Cultural Tolerance of the Archipelago" of the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) 4: Nusantara Module at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

The event took place at the Syaikhona Cholil Bangkalan Hall on May 11, 2024, and was attended by the UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, M.H., and the module lecturers.

In his address, the Project Manager, Hotniel Marbun, elucidated that the event was attended by 44 students comprising both public and private higher education institutions from various regions across Indonesia.

"The participants come from various regions. From Sabang to Merauke," Marbun said.

The hope was that this activity could serve as a bridge to introduce Madura to the participants who were currently taking part in the PMM program, getting to know Madurese culture.

"At the very least, they can become acquainted with the prominent culture of the Madurese society," he expressed.

Meanwhile, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’ M.H., appreciated the performance of the supervising lecturers, group leaders, and other parties involved in the activities of PMM 4.

According to him, the activity was attended by students scattered from Sabang to Merauke. They enjoyed the learning process together.

"Here we have the presence of D. Zawawi Imron, a renowned Madurese poet who has gained international recognition and is a source of pride for all of us, and who will be sharing with you," praised Safi'.

Safi hoped that this activity could teach students to be creative and to recognize the characteristics of Madurese culture.

CategoriesNews Headlines

LPPM UTM Holds National Accredited Journal Management Workshop in 2024

Bangkalan- Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menggelar kegiatan workshop dan pendampingan pengelolaan jurnal terakreditasi nasional di Gedung Graha Utama, pada Rabu, 24 April 2024.

Kegiatan tersebut digelar dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu kualitas publikasi yang terakreditasi nasional di Lingkungan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

Hadir sebagai pembicara Ir. Alfian Ma’arif, ST, M.eng dan Ir. Purwono, S.kom, M.Kom.

Dalam sambutannya, Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik, Achmad Amzeri menegaskan komitmennya untuk mendorong agar UTM kian kompetitif.

Menurutnya, kehadiran dua pemateri di dalam workshop ini diharapkan bisa dimaksimalkan untuk banyak menyerap dan saling belajar.

” Kita maksimalkan agar belajar mengelola jurnal dari orang yang kompeten dibidangnya,” kata Amzeri.

Amzeri mengaku senang dengan semangat yang ditunjukkan peserta workshop dan berharap agar UTM terus bersaing dalam memperbanyak publikasi.

Dalam paparannya Ir. Alfian Ma’arif, ST, memberi materi seputar pemaparan managemen dan pengelolaan jurnal terakreditasi dan bereputasi.

Ir. Purwoto fokus pada materi mengenai pndampingan pengelolaan jurnal terakreditasi dan bereputasi. Sementara itu, Ari Basuki, wakil Rektor 2 UTM turut hadir dan memberikan materi seputar pemaparan tarif jurnal dan pengelolaan keuangan jurnal pada  UTM BLU.

CategoriesNews Headlines

Opening of the 10th Anniversary of the UTM Faculty of Education in 2024

Bangkalan – Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menggelar kegiatan Halal Bihalal sekaligus pembukaan Dies Natalis X di Gedung Graha Utama, pada 22 April 2024.

Kegiatan tersebut dihadiri oleh sejumlah undangan, mulai Civitas akademika UTM, para Wakil Dekan, Ketua Prodi, Kordinator program Studi, serta Mahasiswa.

Kegiatan tersebut dibuka Langsung Dr. Hani’ah, S.Pd, M.Pd, selaku Dekan FIP UTM secara simbolis dengan menabuh gong dan pemotongan tumpeng.

Fiyan Ilman Faqih, selaku Ketua Panitia menjelaskan rentetan acara Dies Natalis FIP UTM tahun 2024.

Menurutnya, kegiatan Dies Natalis kali ini terdapat beragam acara serta lomba yang diperuntukkan bagi Mahasiswa dan dosen.

” Lomba-lomba tersebut, bertujuan untuk mengasah kemampuan Mahasiswa serta meramaikan gebyar Dies Natalis X FIP UTM,” tegasnya.

Sementara itu, Dekan FIP Dr. Hani’ah menyampaikan banyak terima kasih kepada pihak-pihak, terutama jajaran Wakil Dekan Dan Kaprodi yang terlibat Dan terus mendukung kemajuan FIP.

” karena ini masih berkaitan dengan Momentum lebaran Dan saatnya kita saling memaafkan terlebih dahulu,” kata Hani’ah.

Dekan kelahiran Sumenep tersebut berharap,  kualitas Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan terus unggul dan kompetitip. Selain itu, juga menceritakan awal Mula FIP berdiri.

”  Harapan saya semoga UTM, terutama FIP bisa terus maju dan unggul kedepannya,” ungkap Hani’ah.

Hani’ah menegaskan bahwa keunggulan tidak semata milik Mahasiswa. Tetapi juga para dosen.

Membawa tema Pekan Pendidikan dan Ilmiah, pembukaan Dies Natalis X FIP UTM yang sekaligus halal Bihalal pasca lebaran 2024 ini berjalan lancar Dan hikmad. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan hiburan dan kegiatan ramah tamah.

CategoriesHeadlines Information

Changes to the Re-registration Schedule for New Students for the SNBP Route in 2024

Hereby we extend our sincerest apologies for the schedule change attached as follows:

Hereby, we would like to inform all participants of the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) Year 2024 who have passed the selection as prospective students at Trunojoyo Madura University, ABOUT THE SCHEDULE CHANGE FOR RE-REGISTRATION.

The complete announcement can be downloaded here. Change_Schedule_Registration_SNBP_2024


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Announcement of the Bank Indonesia Scholarship Recipients for the Year 2024

Hereby, we would like to inform you of the list of recipients of the Bank Indonesia Scholarship for the Year 2024 (Regular State Universities) according to the results of the interview selection conducted by Bank Indonesia.



No. NIM Nama Lengkap Jurusan
1 220111100002 MOHAMMAD AFRIZAL Ilmu Hukum
2 210111100310 DAMARANI WIDYASTUTI EKA Ilmu Hukum
3 220111100362 AMILIYA Ilmu Hukum
4 220111100145 TRISNAWATY SIJABAT Ilmu Hukum
5 220111100184 IQMAL ARIEF Ilmu Hukum
6 210111100330 FINA ROHMATIKA Ilmu Hukum
7 220111100181 MIFTAHUL JENNAH Ilmu Hukum
8 210111100353 DESY SOFIANA Ilmu Hukum
9 210111100070 GRACIA TRIBUANA WIBOWO Ilmu hukum
10 220211100065 LAURENTIN CAROLIN TIARA Manajemen
11 210221100190 ANANDA AMILLIA MUTIARA Akuntansi
12 210221100187 KHAYATUL MUBASYAROH Akuntansi
13 220221100050 SHELA ALFINA Akuntansi
14 210211100140 JOHAN PRIYATNA Manajemen
15 220221100020 BONANG WAHYUDI Akuntansi
16 220221100229 SITI PUTRI ANA Akuntansi
17 220221100124 RAHMAWATI Akuntansi
18 220221100097 HILDA SEPTIA SILVIANTI Akuntansi
19 220221100118 YESY SELFIANA Akuntansi
20 220221100006 ISNAWATI Akuntansi
21 220211100083 ROHMATUL PUTRI CHOIROH Manajemen
22 220211100214 DEWI NUR AVITA Manajemen
23 210211100169 MOH. FAUZI Manajemen
24 210211100034 DEWI KHALIMATUL ROHMAH Manajemen
25 210231100165 AJI MUHARJANA PUTRA Ekonomi Pembangunan
26 210321100018 MOH. ALIF AL FARISYI Agribisnis
27 210341100024 NANDA TEGUH JUNIANTO Ilmu Kelautan
29 210321100017 DEBORA ROSA LINDA GULTOM Agribisnis
30 220541100206 VALENTINO BINTANG SAPUTRA Psikologi
31 220531100139 MOHAMAD WAHYU PUTRA CAHYADI Ilmu Komunikasi
32 220531100094 MEIDY DWI CAHYANI Ilmu Komunikasi
33 220541100085 NADIA MASFUFATUL ISLAMIYAH Psikologi
34 220531100030 FARID AFANDI Ilmu Komunikasi
35 220531100116 IRMA WAHYU NUR FADILAH Ilmu Komunikasi
36 220541100036 RISDIANA NUR ABDILAH Psikologi
37 220531100133 REBECHA WULANDARI SIRAIT Ilmu Komunikasi
38 220521100048 MIRANDA SUFI ANTARI Sosiologi
39 220541100175 MOCHAMAD RAKA ERLANGGA Psikologi
40 220531100080 NOVITA NILLA FAUZIA Ilmu Komunikasi
41 220411100082 MUHAMMAD ALIVIAN SIDIQ Teknik Informatika
42 220441100076 DHEA RAHMA DIANTI Sistem Informasi
43 220421100143 DANIEL MARUBAH SIHOMBING Teknik Industri
44 210421100063 MUHAMMAD ADI SAMPURNO Teknik Industri
45 220441100022 TESA PUTRI HUTAGAOL Sistem Informasi
46 220421100037 ADITYA VIDIANSYAH Teknik Industri
47 210421100071 LINDA NUR INDAH APRILITA Teknik Industri
48 210441100096 NAUFAL ILHAM FATIKH Sistem Informasi
49 210421100126 RIZA UMAMI Teknik Industri
50 220421100119 PUTRI NAIA ALIFIA Teknik Industri
51 220421100127 SETYA WIDARTI INDRIANING TIAS Teknik Industri
52 220621100097 FARIAN DITO IRWANDA Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
53 220631100002 APRILIA MAHARANI Pendidikan Informatika
54 220621100032 RIKI RIADI Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
55 220621100066 PIPIT OKTAFIA Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
56 220631100064 MEILIA INTAN SABILA Pendidikan Informatika
57 220621100050 DIAN AYU FEBRIYANTI Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
59 210641100084 AINUNNURIL AMELIA Pendidikan IPA
60 220641100029 FIZA AL FA’I ROBIYAH Pendidikan IPA
62 220631100075 M. KHUSNUN NAJIB Pendidikan Informatika
63 210631100120 RIZAL EFENDI Pendidikan Informatika
64 210631100071 MOH. ARIF HIDAYATULLAH Pendidikan Informatika
66 220621100080 DHILA NUR AENI PBSI
67 210651100093 EVA SUSANTI PGPAUD
68 210631100067 ISMI ANIFAH Pendidikan Informatika
69 220721100180 LUSIANAH DHEWI FINDARTIKA Ekonomi Syariah
70 220721100065 RAID AZHAR ROMADHAN Ekonomi Syariah
71 220721100026 UMMADINATUS SHOLEHAH Ekonomi Syariah
72 220721100004 SITI NAFISAH Ekonomi Syariah
73 220721100111 LUK LU’US SYARIFAH Ekonomi Syariah
74 220721100164 SUCI PUTRI AGHLIYAH Ekonomi Syariah
75 220711100014 INAYATUL LAILIL MUHAROMAH Hukum Bisnis Syariah


Selannjutnya, bagi para penerima beasiswa tersebut diatas, dimohon untuk mengisi data rekening pada form berikut paling lambat hari kamis 4 April 2024 pukul 15:00 (pastikan login menggunakan email kampus)



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