CategoriesHeadlines Events

Commemorating Nuzulul Quran, UTM Rector Emphasizes the Importance of Remembering the Contents of the Quran

Bangkalan - The commemoration of Nuzulul Quran serves as a pivotal moment for Muslims worldwide to reflect on the messages within the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It marks the significant event of the Quran's revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Similarly, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura also held an event commemorating the Nuzulul Quran during the holy month of Ramadan in 2024, themed "Implementation of Quranic Values in Campus Life." The event took place in the Graha Utama Lobby of UTM Building, featuring Prof. Dr. KH. Ali Machsan Moesa, M.Si, as the keynote speaker.

In his speech, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi', S.H, M.H, emphasized his hope for fellow Muslims to continuously contemplate the contents of the Quran.

"We must always remember why the Quran was revealed. And it is only fitting that we continue to illuminate the teachings of the Quran within the campus environment. So that we may also receive the blessings and benefits of the Quran," Safi' expressed.

He mentioned that there is another reason why the Nuzulul Quran event is not held in the Campus Mosque, but instead in the main hall.

"If in the campus mosque, surely every day people recite the Quran. However, in this building, not every day do people recite here," he remarked.

Safi’ also urged all members of the academic community to adopt the Quran as a guide for life and to embrace its teachings.

HMS 1892 HMS 1899

The event began with a recitation of the Quran, followed by the Sholawat Nabi led by Habib Idrus, and then continued with providing assistance to 41 orphans from the Darun Najah Kamal Foundation. After the religious lecture, the event concluded with a communal iftar.

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Workshop Title: Strategy Preparation Workshop for FIBAA International Accreditation Visitation. UTM Rector Requests Maximum Effort from Working Team.

Bangkalan - Trunojoyo Madura University held a workshop on the Strategy Preparation for the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) International Accreditation Visitation for Programs within UTM, on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

The workshop took place in the KH. Syaichona Cholil Meeting Room, Graha Utama UTM building, featuring two speakers, Aulia Rahmawati, Ph.D., from the East Java National Veteran University, and Novrys Suhardianto, SE., MSA., Ak., Ph.D., from Airlangga University, Surabaya.

Present at the event were UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, S.H, M.H, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, S.P, M.P, as well as the Deans, the International Accreditation Team, faculty representatives, student representatives, educational staff, and alumni. All these parties will later serve as assessors in the FIBAA accreditation.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, S.P, M.P, as the chairman of the workshop organizing committee, expressed his gratitude to the team for their maximum effort.

This workshop is expected to serve as a forum for the international accreditation (FIBAA) team within UTM," expressed Amzeri. "At the very least, UTM can learn from experienced parties, especially the speakers, in preparing for the field assessment of international accreditation.

Both speakers present are individuals with significant experience and are part of the Quality Assurance Team at their respective campuses," expressed Amzeri.

Furthermore, Amzeri emphasized that Curriculum Preparation for OBE is an integral part of international accreditation preparation,

Initial preparation for internationally accredited programs: Introduction to FIBAA standards.

He also emphasized the need to maximize preparation for Social Sciences and ASIIN for STEM programs," he said.

From December 30th to 31st, 2023, documents for the submission of international accreditation for 3 clusters have been sent to FIBAA," he explained.

In 2024, we received information from FIBAA that the field assessment or international accreditation visitation for 7 programs within 3 clusters will be conducted. It will take place online for Cluster I on June 4-6, 2024, and offline for Clusters II and III in the fourth week of June 2024," he explained

In his speech, UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, expressed his hope that the teams entrusted with this task would consider it an act of worship for the future quality of UTM,

May the preparation for the International Accreditation Visitation for the Study Program proceed as expected," he expressed.

Safi’ added that the team should work more seriously. At the very least, they should achieve a better status than the previous one.

Meanwhile, Novrys Suhardianto, as the speaker, outlined that in the strategy for preparing international accreditation.

Firstly, understand what internationalization program entails.

So, does UTM, which aims for international accreditation, already have an internationalization program?" Novrys stated.

Novrys explained the stages of the strategy for international accreditation preparation. Meanwhile, Aulia Rahmawati shared some of her experiences in handling preparations for international accreditation field assessments.

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Visit UNIDA Gontor, UTM Focuses on Studying the Process of Establishing a Medical Faculty

Bangkalan - Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM) conducted a study visit to Darussalam University (Unida) Gontor, East Java, on Monday (4/3/2024).

The study visit was attended by UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, S.H, M.H, Vice Rector, Chair of the Quality Assurance Team (APT), internal UTM assessors, APT Task Force, and the medical task force.

The participants of the study visit from UTM were warmly welcomed by the Vice Rector I of UNIDA, Vice Dean of Medicine, Chair of the Quality Assurance Body of UNIDA, and members of the UNIDA Quality Assurance Body.

Dalam sambutannya, Rektor UTM, Dr. Safi’ menegaskan maksud kedatangan dan tujuan berkunjung ke Universitas Darussalam Gontor, untuk belajar praktik baik pendirian fakultas kedokteran

We intend to continue building relationships and hope to share best practices (in establishing a medical faculty) from UNIDA Gontor," expressed Safi’.

According to him, it is part of an effort to understand the processes at Unida related to quality assurance and the establishment of a medical faculty.

"Safi’ also expressed hope that MOUs and MOAs would be initiated with UNIDA, and there should be follow-up actions and implementation," said Safi’.

"Safi’ conveyed that in the future, there should be sharing activities between UNIDA Gontor and UTM,"

"UTM currently does not have international programs or international students. There are other constraints that need to be addressed," he said.

"After the speeches from both UTM and UNIDA, the event continued with introductions from the UNIDA team. It was followed by a sharing session regarding the process of establishing a Medical Faculty."

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"Study Visit to UM, Document Preparation Team Solidifies Preparations for UTM's 2024 Reaccreditation"

Bangkalan - In preparation for the Institutional Reaccreditation of Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM), which is due in November 2024, the Quality Assurance Team (BPM) of UTM visited Malang State University (UM) for a study visit.

The UTM Accreditation Document Preparation Team assigned to the Comparative Study group consists of Prof. Masduki, Dr. Kurniyati Indahsari, M.Si, Dr. Devi Rahayu Sh, M.Hum., and Dr. Nurhayati, along with Trischa and Yeni, on Thursday (29/02/2024).

The activity is expected to fully support the process of preparing the UTM re-accreditation documents for 2024. Notably, UTM is aiming for an "Excellent" accreditation result this year.

Based on the Ministerial Regulation of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology No. 53 of 2023 on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 2024 is the last year that universities can achieve an “excellent” accreditation status. Starting the following year, the accreditation status of universities will only be categorized as accredited or non-accredited.

The UTM delegation was welcomed by Warsono, the Chair of the Quality Assurance Team at Malang State University, and the team. After a discussion session and Q&A, Warsono stated that follow-up activities from the visit need to be carried out.

Warsono said, "The team will immediately hold a coordination meeting to share the results of the visit to Malang State University."

Warsono added that the team responsible for preparing the reaccreditation documents should optimize their strategy, tips, and tricks for composing the re-accreditation documents.

"Every data requirement from each sub-team should be communicated as soon as possible for follow-up," he concluded.

CategoriesNews Headlines

"US Consulate General Visits UTM, Promotes Scholarships and Introduces the American Corner"

Bangkalan - The scholarship promotion and introduction of the American Corner by the United States Consulate General were successfully held at Trunojoyo Madura University on Wednesday, (29/2/2024).

The event was attended by the Director of the International Relations Office (IRO) of UTM, Imron Wakhid Harits, Ph.D., as well as two representatives from the United States Consulate General (Konjen) in Surabaya, Ambar Ricky and Putuh.

Before the socialization event began, representatives from the US Consulate received souvenirs in the form of an Appreciation Certificate and a traditional amulet.

Held on the 1st Floor of the Cakra Building, the students appeared enthusiastic to attend the event. Moreover, the event was opened by the host in two languages, Indonesian and English.

In front of the attending students, Putuh explained various types of scholarships offered and the requirements that need to be fulfilled.

"If you are interested in studying abroad, please prepare all the necessary documents," said Putuh.

Putuh added that the scholarships can be accessed as long as the requirements are met. The scholarships offered are not only to the United States but also to Asian countries.

Fulfill the requirements first, then dare yourself to register," he concluded. The event continued with a Q&A session and a group photo.

CategoriesNews Headlines

Signing MoU with Microsoft, UTM Equips Students and Alumni with AI-related Skills

Bangkalan - Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM) signed an MoU with Microsoft Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam on Thursday, (29/2/2024).

The signing of the MoU is expected to equip students and alumni, especially in the field of AI.

Present at the event were UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, M.H, and Director of Government Affairs at Microsoft Indonesia & Brunei Darussalam, Ajar Edi.

Ajar Edi, as the Director of Government Affairs at Microsoft Indonesia & Brunei Darussalam, explained that currently, there are significant job opportunities in the field of AI.

Ajar said, '9 million workers are needed in the field of AI.'

Ajar added that this opportunity must be taken seriously.

Especially for UTM students who are focused on enhancing their skills and reskilling to prepare themselves for technological advancements.

In the future, hopefully UTM alumni will be able to emerge as phenomenal graduates and will be able to reduce unemployment after graduating from university," said Ajar.

Just for your information, currently UTM has around 21,000 students. Meanwhile, the quota for the year 2024 has increased to 6,000.

Meanwhile, this collaboration was initiated by the Student Development & Career Center (SDCC) of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FISIB) at UTM. In her speech, the Dean of FISIB UTM, Dr. Dinara Maya Julijanti, welcomed the collaboration with Microsoft.

Dinara is optimistic that through this program, graduating students will already have a clear vision of whether they want to start their own business or work.

'So that UTM graduates will no longer be confused," said Dinara.

Dinara urged FISIB alumni not only to seek employment but also to create innovation and become entrepreneurs.

"Because in the digital era, we can work from anywhere. Currently, there are great job opportunities, but the challenges are also significant," she concluded.

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UTM Hosts Guest Lecture Roadshow and Book Review by Prof. Ismail Fajrie Alatas

Bangkalan – Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM) is one of the universities that will host a book launch for Prof. Ismail Fajrie Alatas entitled "What Is Religious Authority: Menyemai Sunnah, Merangkai Jamaah?".

The book launch and guest lecture with Prof. Ismail Fajrie Alatas took place in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FISIB) UTM, on Wednesday (28/2/2024

Professor Ismail Fajrie Alatas adalah guru besar Anthropology di New York University di Amerika Serikat. Prof Ismail Alatas aktif menulis sejumlah artikel ilmiah dan buku. Kehadirannya ke Universitas Trunojoyo Madura diprakarsai Pusat Studi Ilmu Sosial Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Budaya (FISIB) UTM dan Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (Lakpesdam) PBNU.

The event was attended by the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi', S.H, M.H, the Dean of FISIB, Dr. Dinara Maya Julijannti, M.Si, the Vice Deans, the Heads of Study Centers, and Lecturers, as well as representatives of Bentang Pustaka Book Publishers.

In his speech, UTM Rector Dr. Safi' emphasized that it is high time for religious people in Indonesia to learn how to practice their religion in the right way. Safi' added that there are now many cases of religious practices that are not in accordance with the goals and intentions of religion itself.

To that end, Safi' said, the presence of Prof. Habib Ajie, as Prof. Ismail Fajrie Alatas is affectionately known, is considered important to share with UTM lecturers and students.

"Here we are welcoming a figure who is competent in his knowledge and has a wealth of experience interacting with diverse religious communities around the world," Safi' said.

Safi' explained that Prof. Ismail Fajrie Alatas was born in Indonesia. He then went on to study in Singapore and Australia.

He is also a descendant of the Habaib. Of course, in terms of religious knowledge and practice, he is competent,” said Safi’

"Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FISIB) also expressed his appreciation for the event."

I am delighted that FISIB was chosen as one of the stops on Prof. Ismail Fajrie Alatas' roadshow. Especially considering that he will be returning to America in August,” he said

In addition, Dinara also expressed her hope that the presence of Bentang Pustaka Publishing House as a sponsor of the event could also lead to a collaboration with FISIB UTM.

We are also delighted to have Bentang Pustaka Publishing House here with us. We hope to establish a collaboration in the future, especially with the writers among our lecturers, to contribute to our future endeavors,” he concluded

Moch. Imron Rosyidi., M.Sc., Head of the Center for Social and Cultural Studies at FISIB UTM, stated that this event is a manifestation of the development of an academic atmosphere by bringing world-class professors to UTM

The presence of Prof. Ajie is a blessing for all of us and adds a positive academic atmosphere to UTM," said Imron

The event concluded with a Q&A session involving both faculty members and students. More than 100 participants were recorded to be present in the faculty room, which is known for its orange colo

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The UTM Public Relations Team's Visit Welcomed, Discussing Organizational Management and Campus Information Management with UM Public Relations

Bangkalan - The Public Relations Team and Officials of Information and Documentation Management (PPID) of Malang State University (UM) welcomed a visit from the Public Relations Team of Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM) at the UM Rectorate Building on Monday, (02/26/2024).

The UTM Public Relations Team visited for benchmarking purposes with the Public Relations Team and Officials of Information and Documentation Management (PPID) of UM.

UTM's Vice Rector I, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, S.P., M.P., explained the purpose and objectives of his visit to UM. "We from UTM aim to learn about the organization and functions at UM's PPID," said Amzeri.

According to him, the management of UM's PPID is worthy to be emulated, considering its excellent track record.

The UTM team had the opportunity to directly engage in discussions with the staff and coordinators of UM's PPID. They exchanged experiences and shared challenges and solutions in managing information within the university environment.

The UTM Public Relations Team endeavored to learn about UM's PPID strategies in addressing challenges such as digital archive management, information security, and compliance with regulatory standards related to information and documentation.

Meanwhile, the Director of Planning, Data and Information, Ranking, Public Relations, and Cooperation (PDIPHK), Dr. Yuni Rahmawati, ST, MT, warmly welcomed the UTM public relations team.

In her address, she also introduced the organizational structure of UM's PPID and informed about UM's Public Relations achievements, which have received several awards at the Diktiristek 2023 awards ceremony.

Dra. Komariyah, as the head of the sub-directorate of public relations, also welcomed the arrival of the UTM Public Relations Team.

She shared the spirit of productivity in managing UM's PPID thus far. "Every faculty at UM must have its own PPID to assist us in managing public information," she said.

"Furthermore, in our public relations department, we have an internship program for students. They are tasked with assisting us in PPID," she added.

This visit is expected to provide significant benefits for both UM and UTM in their efforts to continue developing and improving the quality of their information governance, as well as strengthening the relationship between the two involved higher education institutions.

This is an important step to maintain and enhance the quality standards in information management within each institution.

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Australia-Indonesia Collaboration in Coastal Resources Empowerment Project

Bangkalan - Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM) hosted an international research collaboration ceremony with the theme Harvesting Hope: Renewable Energy, Clean Water, and Quality Salt for Madura’s Saltwork Community Through Seaweed Farming. di Lantai 5 Gedung Graha Utama, pada Kamis, 22 Februari 2024.

The event was the result of collaboration between Australia and Indonesia in efforts to cultivate salt and seaweed, utilizing transformative solar panel technology for empowering the livelihoods of coastal communities in Madura Island.

Present at the event were the Governor of East Java 2019-2024, Dr. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, S.H, MH, as well as H.E. Ms. Fiona Hoggart, the Australian Consul General, the project's research chairs Prof. Caroline Chan and Prof. Booi Kam. Additionally, leaders from Trunojoyo Madura University and several government officials from Bangkalan Regency were also in attendance.

"With this collaboration, we can address challenges and create opportunities for growth and improving living standards in Indonesia and Australia," expressed Fiona Hoggart.

Safi’ explained in his address that UTM was one of the 38 selected and approved campuses to receive research funding.

"I am grateful and proud because the research on salt farmers and seaweed to produce quality salt," said the Rector, who was born in Sumenep.

According to him, this aims to turn Madura salt, which has existed for centuries, into a local potential that can be optimized.

Meanwhile, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the Governor of East Java, also expressed her pride in being able to attend and listen to her concerns regarding renewable energy. Khofifah emphasized that UTM could establish synergy to boost the income of communities in coastal areas.

"And it has made its first exports to Australia and China and adequately met the needs of business actors in Australia," expressed Khofifah.

She mentioned that she has seen the fulfillment from the pond owners regarding fertilizer subsidies.

"Looking ahead, my hope is to continue collaborating with UTM to build synergy to boost the income of Madura residents from coastal areas," she concluded.



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