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Commemorating Nuzulul Quran, UTM Rector Emphasizes the Importance of Remembering the Contents of the Quran

Bangkalan - The commemoration of Nuzulul Quran serves as a pivotal moment for Muslims worldwide to reflect on the messages within the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It marks the significant event of the Quran's revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Similarly, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura also held an event commemorating the Nuzulul Quran during the holy month of Ramadan in 2024, themed "Implementation of Quranic Values in Campus Life." The event took place in the Graha Utama Lobby of UTM Building, featuring Prof. Dr. KH. Ali Machsan Moesa, M.Si, as the keynote speaker.

In his speech, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi', S.H, M.H, emphasized his hope for fellow Muslims to continuously contemplate the contents of the Quran.

"We must always remember why the Quran was revealed. And it is only fitting that we continue to illuminate the teachings of the Quran within the campus environment. So that we may also receive the blessings and benefits of the Quran," Safi' expressed.

He mentioned that there is another reason why the Nuzulul Quran event is not held in the Campus Mosque, but instead in the main hall.

"If in the campus mosque, surely every day people recite the Quran. However, in this building, not every day do people recite here," he remarked.

Safi’ also urged all members of the academic community to adopt the Quran as a guide for life and to embrace its teachings.

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The event began with a recitation of the Quran, followed by the Sholawat Nabi led by Habib Idrus, and then continued with providing assistance to 41 orphans from the Darun Najah Kamal Foundation. After the religious lecture, the event concluded with a communal iftar.