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High Expectations of the Rector of UTM at the Closing of PKKMB 2024

The PKKMB Sakera Series for the year 2024 has been officially concluded on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. The entire series of PKKMB 2024, themed “Preserving the Culture of the Archipelago to Realize the Vision of Trunojoyo Madura,” has been successfully carried out over three days by the new students of UTM for the year 2024.

The closing ceremony of PKKMB Sakera 2024 was attended by the Rector, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, the Student President, and the Governor.

Dr. Safi, S.H., M.H. extended his highest appreciation and gratitude to the new students and everyone involved in the success of the PKKMB Sakera 2024 program.

"You are a selected individual who has been accepted to join Universitas Trunojoyo Madura out of 17,000 applicants who chose UTM for their academic journey. Congratulations on becoming part of the extended family of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura," he said.

Safi' hoped that students will make the most of their time at UTM by engaging seriously in their studies and personal development. They should use the three to four years to explore their potential, shape themselves, and develop their character into resilient, responsible, and independent individuals.

"Do not be complacent with the conveniences brought about by current knowledge and technology. We must approach these conveniences with caution to avoid becoming negligent and failing to engage in serious processes. Otherwise, we risk becoming ineffectual individuals—mentally weak, spiritually deteriorated, and intellectually empty," he stated.

"God willing, UTM is prepared to be a place where you can develop into outstanding, resilient, and independent individuals. Several facilities have been provided by UTM, which you are required to utilize and make the best use of in order to become the person you aspire to be," he emphasized.

The closing ceremony of PKKMB Sakera 2024 concluded with the symbolic handover of students, conducted by the Student President and Vice President to the Faculty Governor, accompanied by the Rector, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, and the Vice Dean for Student Affairs.

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PKKMB UTM 2024: Khofifah Indar Parawansa Emphasizes the Role of Students as the Golden Generation of 2045

Bangkalan – The opening of the Campus Life Introduction for New Students (PKKMB UTM 2024) was officially held on August 5, 2024, at the Moh. Noer Building.

The opening of PKKMB UTM coincides with the closing of the 23rd Dies Natalis of UTM, which has been ongoing since last month.

Dr. Dra. Khofifah Indarparawansah, MSi, Governor of East Java from 2019 to 2024, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a scientific oration before the students.

Khofifah emphasized that students should continually refine their skills and persist in building networks with everyone.

Khofifah has urged UTM students to become 'Very Important Person' (VIP) generations, so they may actively participate in overseeing the development of the nation.

The step must be built with a strong and extensive network, reinforced by effective communication to facilitate easier collaboration in the future.

Khofifah emphasized that students need to possess creative thinking in order to bring about significant changes.

"All new students, our competition lies in our creativity, our imagination, our learning process, and our ability to think independently," she asserted.

According to Khofifah, in the era of Industry 5.0, collaborative work formats will become more dominant compared to traditional working formats.

To that end, Khofifah also emphasized that learning on campus must be supported by substantial creativity. This is necessary to adapt to global developments and to produce high-quality graduates.

"To achieve this, continue to foster innovation. If we look back, people used to communicate solely through landline telephones. Now, everyone has their own mobile phone, and some individuals even have two. This is a prime example of rapid technological advancement and innovation." she said.

Present at the opening of the PKKMB (Introduction to Campus Life for New Students) and the closing ceremony of the 23rd Dies Natalis of UTM were Dr. Dra. Khofifah Indarparawansah, MSi, Governor of East Java from 2019 to 2024; Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H., Rector of UTM; the Chairman of the Senate; Vice Rectors; Deans; Faculty Members; and the Student President.

Please be informed that the number of participants in the PKKMB UTM 2024 is 4,045 students out of 17,000 registrants.

The details are as follows: Faculty of Law 381, Faculty of Business 817, Faculty of Agriculture 415, Faculty of Engineering 812, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences 602, Faculty of Education 773, Islamic Faculty 248.

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New Students Distribute Hundreds of Trash Bins as Part of the 2024 PKKMB Program

The Bangkalan Campus Life Introduction Series for new students (PKKMB) commenced with the distribution of hundreds of trash bins around the Telang area in Kamal, Bangkalan, by thousands of new students from Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) for the 2024/2025 academic year. The event began with an opening ceremony led by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Surokim, S.Sos., SH., M.Si., held at the Lobby of the Main Graha Rectorate, UTM, on Sunday, August 4, 2024.

In his speech, Surokim emphasized that this activity is a manifestation of the community’s affection for the campus environment. “Thank you to the committee for initiating this event. The more we love our campus, the more enjoyable our studies will be. However, remember that if possible, you should complete your studies within the allotted time; ideally, a maximum of four years for an undergraduate program,” Surokim stated.

This event is an implementation of the theme proposed by the organizing committee of the Student Executive Board (BEM-KM) at UTM. The goal is to instill a sense of belonging to the campus environment among all new students. The President of UTM Student Council, Anis Anwari, stated that the overarching theme for this year's PKKMB is "Preserving the Archipelagic Culture: Realizing the Vision of Trunojoyo Madura," which will be executed through a series of activities.

“The activities of the PKKMB (Introduction to Campus Life for New Students) program, with our tagline 'Together Because We Are Diverse,' involve new students being assigned to paint 110 trash bins, corresponding to the number of new student groups. The bins are to be painted with a 'Nusantara' theme in color,” said Anis.

Additionally, the PKKMB 2024 activities will be held from the 5th to the 7th, featuring mandatory materials from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) and presenting top speakers from various fields. It is hoped that new students will gain optimal orientation and fresh perspectives from the diverse speakers in attendance. The Coordinator of the Steering Committee for PKKMABA, Rio Kurniawan M.Ikom, has stated that several national speakers will also be present during the PKKMB series of events.

"There will be a scientific oration in conjunction with the closing ceremony of the 23rd Dies Natalis of UTM, as well as the opening of the PKKMB by Mrs. Khofifah Indar Parawansa. Additionally, there will be representatives from the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR-RI), the GenZ President, and others," concluded Rio.


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The Dean of the UTM Faculty of Law Expresses Appreciation to Students During the Departure for the 2024 MBKM PKKM Program

Bangkalan – A total of ninety students from the Law Program at the Faculty of Law, UTM, participated in the departure for the MBKM PKKM activities on April 31, 2024.

The Faculty of Law at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura has successfully qualified to participate in the Campus Freedom Competition Program (PKKM) organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

The MBKM PKKM program will be conducted from July 31 to November 30, 2024, and will be equivalent to 20 credit hours.

The MBKM PKKM departure event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Law at UTM, the Deans, and the students participating in MBKM PKKM.

Dean of the Faculty of Law at UTM, Dr. Erma Rusliana, S.H., M.H., in her address, expressed appreciation for the achievements of the Faculty of Law at UTM.

Erma reminded all students participating in the event to consistently maintain proper behavior, ethics, and decorum throughout the activities.

"Maintain etiquette in how you communicate with others, especially in a new environment. Uphold politeness, communication skills, and respect for your experiences and peers outside of the campus," she explained.

According to her, for three consecutive years, and only in the third year did FH UTM receive the MBKM PKKM program.

"Because it is not easy to attain, please maintain this trust. You are the reflection of the Faculty of Law at UTM. Uphold the dignity of your alma mater," she emphasized.

Erma suggested that this opportunity be maximized as a learning experience within the context of communal life.

Fot the information that in April, the UTM Bachelor’s Program in Law was approved to receive PKKM grant assistance from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

The MBKM PKKM program consists of several activities, including professional internships, community development or KKNT, and the Independent Student Exchange program.

The professional internship program was participated in by 50 students, distributed across various locations in East Java. These included 6 students at the Surabaya Military Court, 5 students at the Administrative Court, 5 students at the Surabaya Religious Court, 6 students at the East Java High Court, 5 students at the East Java Provincial Government, 4 students at the Surabaya City Government, 5 students at the Sampang Regency Government, 2 students at the Pamekasan Regency Government, 5 students at the Sumenep Regency Government, and 7 students at the Pamekasan District Court..

The village development activity/KKNT was attended by 30 students distributed across the Madura region, specifically in Desa Taman, Jerengngik District, Sampang Regency, with 10 students; Desa Jarin, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency; and Desa Kebundadap Timur, Saronggi District, Sumenep Regency.

The Merdeka Student Exchange Program involves 10 students, with 5 students from the Faculty of Law at UPN Surabaya and 5 students from the Faculty of Law at Unej.

Students participating in the MBKM PKKM program receive financial assistance in the form of a living allowance of IDR 1,200,000 per month for non-scholarship recipients, IDR 750,000 per month for KIP scholarship recipients, and transportation reimbursement of IDR 450,000 for round trips in the Madura-Surabaya area, and IDR 522,000 for the Jember area.

The MBKM PKKM students are directly guided by internal faculty members of the Faculty of Law and field supervisors from partner institutions. It is hoped that students will truly be able to apply the knowledge acquired during their studies and gain experience beyond the campus.

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LPPM UTM is Once Again Organizing the 2nd TMIC

In support of the University's efforts to achieve international recognition as a World Class University, by increasing participation in presenting research findings at international forums, the Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (LPPM UTM) is once again hosting an international seminar. The 2nd Trunojoyo Madura International Conference (TMIC) will be held with the theme "Solving Real World Problems with Creativity and Collaboration Based on Science, Technology, and Humanity," at the Dafam Pacific Caesar Hotel Surabaya, on July 25, 2024.

The event was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Mr. Surokim, S.Sos., M.Si. In addition to participants from campuses in East Java, invitations were extended to representatives from both regional and provincial government authorities. In his speech, Mr. Surokim emphasized that this event would become a hallmark of UTM.

"May it continue and mark the distinction of a World Class University," said Surokim.

Unlike the previous year's TMIC implementation, the 2nd TMIC this time is divided into three main scientific fields: BTMIC (Biology Trunojoyo Madura International Conference), ICEST (International Conference on Engineering, Science, and Technology), and ICSSE (International Conference on Social Science and Economics). The event is organized to occur simultaneously but in different panels.

The keynote speakers for ICEST are Dr. Daniel L. Busch from La Trobe University, Australia, and Prof. Wahyudi Agustiono, Ph.D., moderated by Mr. Yusuf, ST., M.Sc. Meanwhile, the keynote speakers for ICSSE are Prof. Reevany Bustami, Ph.D., from Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Prof. Dr. Bambang Haryadi, SE., MSi., AK., CA., moderated by Mrs. Citra Nurhayati, SE., MA., AK., CA.

The second TMIC was attended by approximately 130 participants. There are 90 articles to be reviewed, which will subsequently be published as proceedings articles indexed in reputable international databases (SCOPUS and/or Web of Science).

This international seminar serves to open and expand interactions and networks among the academic community involved, whether participating online or in person, and enhances UTM's reputation on an international scale.

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Menduniakan Mangrove sebagai Ikon Konservasi Kawasan Pesisir, UTM Jalin Kemitraan dengan Kampus Luar Negeri

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) menjadi salah satu perguruan tinggi yang aktif dalam melestarikan mangrove di pesisir pantai Madura.

Baru-baru ini, UTM sukses menggelar kegiatan International Mangrove Conservation bersama sejumlah mahasiswa asing. Mereka berasal dari kampus The University of Western Australia, Murdoch University, Curtin University, University of Notre Dame Australia, dan Edith Cowan University, serta mahasiswa dari 10 perguruan tinggi negeri di Jawa Timur, pada 4 Juli 2024.

Kegiatan ini terlaksana berkat kerjasama International Relation Office (IRO) UTM dengan sejumlah perguruan tinggi di luar negeri. Hingga saat ini, UTM secara aktif terus memperluas jalinan kerjasama dengan mengadakan kegiatan bersama instansi pendidikan, penelitian dan swasta dari berbagai negara.

International Short Course dan Mangrove Conservation merupakan dua kegiatan rutin yang digelar bersama mahasiswa Australia, yang tergabung dalam Western Australia East Java University Consortium (WAEJUC).

Agenda International Mangrove Conservation tersebut rutin dilaksanakan bersama mahasiswa dan dosen dari berbagai negara. Mengingat hingga saat ini, pulau Madura dikenal sebagai salah satu daerah yang memiliki ekosistem mangrove terbesar di Jawa Timur.

Syahrul Arief, pengurus International Relation Office Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menjelaskan bahwa kegiatan international mangrove conservation seperti ini akan menjadi agenda rutin untuk mendukung program World Class University, termasuk saat kedatangan mahasiswa Palacky University Olomouc dari Cheko.

Para peserta International Mangrove Conservation cukup antusias melaksanakan instruksi dari Rizka Rahmana Putri, M.Agr, sebagai salah satu instruktur dalam penanaman bibit mangrove di Taman Pendidikan Mangrove Labuhan.

Mulai dari cara memilih bibit mangrove yang baik, memilih lokasi penanaman yang sesuai, proses penanaman dan pengikatan bibit agar kuat tidak terbawa arus.

Helen, mahasiswi Edith Cowan University menceritakan bahwa di Australia ada juga mangrove tetapi pohonnya kecil, tidak luas dan jenisnya tidak sebanyak yang ada di sini.

Berbeda dengan James, Mahasiswa dari University Of Western Australia tersebut  mengaku sangat terkesan dengan keanekaragaman mangrove Madura, di Autralia dirinya hanya bisa melihat pasir dan batu pantai.

Events International Mangrove Conservation tersebut melibatkan beberapa program studi di Fakultas Pertanian UTM.

Terlebih, Program Studi Magister PSDA yang terus berkomitmen di bidang konservasi, konsisten bermitra dengan IRO dalam setiap kegiatan internasional di Madura.

Kegiatan penanaman mangrove di Madura juga perlu digalakkan. Menurut Dr. Akhmad Farid, pakar bidang pengelolaan sumber daya perairan menyebutkan bahwa, Indonesia mempunyai luas mangrove 3.364.080 Hektar, dan 15.118,1 Hektar terdapat di Pulau Madura.

“Tetapi sangat disayangkan luasannya terus berkurang, hingga saat ini luasan ekosistem mangrove di Madura telah berkurang lebih dari 5000 Hektar. Untuk itu,  menduniakan mangrove sebagai ikon konservasi kawasan pesisir sangatlah tepat,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Dr. Agr. Eko Setiawan menyebutkan jika keberadaan mangrove berperan penting untuk merehabilitasi lahan serta konservasi tanah di wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil dengan tipologi pantai berlumpur.

“Mempunyai jenis akar tunggang dan akar nafas dengan pertumbuhan yang melebar sehingga penanaman konservasi mangrove disepanjang  pesisir, dapat berfungsi sebagai pelindung pantai dari gelombang tinggi dan abrasi,” pungkasnya.

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Bangkalan – Tim PPK Ormawa Himagrotek Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura melaksanakan pengabdian di Desa Dakiring-Bangkalan tahun ke-2 mulai dari tahun 2023-2024. Tim PPK Ormawa Himagrotek telah berhasil menyelenggarakan sebuah kegiatan pembukaan dan sosialisasi program yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan Desa mandiri pangan yang berkelanjutan di Desa Dakiring-Bangkalan. Melalui implementasi hidroponik berbasis IoT dan panel surya mendapatkan banyak dukungan dan support dari beberapa pihak. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan pada hari sabtu tanggal 22 Juni 2024.

 Kegiatan sosialisasi diselenggarakan di kediaman kepala Desa Dakiring bapak Abd. Rochman, selain dari Tim pelaksana PPK Ormawa dan Dosen Pembimbing juga dihadiri oleh Mantri Tani Kecamatan Socah, Wakil Dekan III Bidang Kemahasiswaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Koordinator Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Dosen dan PLP Agroekoteknologi, Anggota Himagrotek dan sasaran utama kelompok tani dan petani muda Desa Dakiring.

Pemaparan materi dalam sosialisasi disampaikan oleh tim PPK Ormawa yakni Jannatin Milyani selaku ketua tim pelaksana dan Rohib selaku anggota tim pelaksana, menjelaskan bahwa budidaya sistem hidroponik berbasis IoT dan panel surya merupakan solusi yang tepat guna dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi sayur masyarakat dan memanfaatkan kondisi intensitas cahaya yang relatif tinggi dengan penggunaan green energy melalui panel surya.

“Budidaya sistem hidroponik merupakan sistem pertanian modern yang cocok buat anak muda milenial, karena perspektif anak muda sekarang terkait pertanian yaitu “kotor”, Namun dengan penerapan pertanian hidroponik dapat lebih menarik minat anak muda dalam pertanian kemudian dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan teknologi IoT sebagai suatu sistem yang dapat lebih memudahkan dalam pengontrolan tanaman” ungkap Jannatin Milyani dan Rohib.

Tim PPK Himagrotek juga menjelaskan bahwa manfaat lain dari budidaya hidroponik berbasis IoT dan panel surya seperti keberhasilan tanaman untuk tumbuh dan produksi lebih optimal, perawatan lebih praktis, mengurangi penggunaan pupuk (efisien), dapat memantau tanaman dengan jarak jauh dan pemanfaatan sumber energy cahaya matahari menjadi energy listrik sehingga dapat menghemat pengeluaran dan mengurangi pemanasan global.

Setelah sesi pemaparan materi, kepala Desa Dakiring menyampaikan kebutuhan dan harapan untuk para petani muda “Desa Dakiring memiliki beberapa kelompok tani yang bergelut hanya tanaman pangan khususnya padi dan kelompok tani Desa Dakiring sudah banyak yang berusia lanjut. Kami disini membutuhkan bapak/ibu Dosen serta temen-temen mahasiswa untuk membina dan memberi arahan bagi masyarakat kami, saya akan sangat terbuka jika dari pihak kampus ingin berkegiatan di Desa kami. Oleh karena itu harapan saya dengan adanya kegiatan PPK Ormawa Himagrotek dapat terbentuk kelompok tani milenial yang fokus pada sistem pertanian modern dan sekaligus dapat membuka peluang kerja bagi pemuda yang belum memiliki pekerjaan, saya akan terus mengawal kelompok tani milenial hingga terbentuk secara legal atau SK (Surat Keputusan) dari kelompok baru tersebut.” ungkap Kepala Desa Dakiring. Setelah itu direspon baik oleh Mantri Tani Kecamatan Socah.

“Adanya kegiatan PPK Ormawa Himagrotek dengan sistem hidroponik saya siap menjadi konsumen hasil sayur selada dikarenakan tempat saya tinggal di Desa Tarageh banyak yang membutuhkan selada untuk bahan pelengkap burger dan kebab, hampir setiap penjual membutuhkan minimal 5 Kg selada setiap harinya. Harapan bapak kepala Desa Dakiring sangat bagus untuk membentuk kelompok tani milenial karena belum ada kelompok tani milenial di Madura dan Bangkalan menjadi satu-satunya yang memiliki kelompok tani milenial. Saya selaku Mantri Kecamatan Socah akan membantu mengajukan pembentukan kelompok tani milenial pada Dinas Pertanian Bangkalan” ungkap Mantri Tani Kecamatan Socah.

Kegiatan dalam sosialisasi dilengkapi dengan pelatihan penyemaian selada menggunakan media semai rockwool, tim PPK Ormawa Himagrotek menyampaikan sekaligus mempraktikan teknik penyemaian selada kepada kelompok tani. Para kelompok tani sangat antusias mencoba mempraktikkan dan tanya jawab kepada tim PPK Ormawa Himagrotek. “Kegiatan seperti ini belum pernah ada di kelompok tani Desa Dakiring-Bangkalan sehingga  kami dapat memperoleh ilmu dan pengetahuan baru” ungkap Rohli anggota kelompok tani.

Selain pihak desa berharap kegiatan ini dapat berkelanjutan, kami juga dari tim PPK Ormawa Himagrotek berusaha agar program seperti ini tetap berjalan di Desa Dakiring sebagai desa binaan dan dilanjutkan oleh anggota Himagrotek kedepannya, karena program pengabdian masyarakat atau PPK Ormawa sudah menjadi salah satu dari program kerja Himagrotek.

Sebagai Informasi tambahan, pembukaan dan sosialisasi program ini merupakan rangkaian kegiatan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berjudul “Pengembangan Desa Mandiri Pangan dengan Green Energy melalui Implementasi Hidroponik, IoT, dan Panel Surya di Desa Dakiring-Bangkalan”, semoga PPK Ormawa Himagrotek 2024 meraih penghargaan Abdidaya 2024. Kami selaku tim pelaksana akan berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk masyarakat Desa Dakiring. Program ini juga merupakan ajang kompetisi tingkat nasional bagi mahasiswa  yang mengikuti program pengabdian serta pemberdayaan masyarakat yang biasa disebut dengan Program Penguatan Kapasitas Organisasi Kemahasiswaan (PPK Ormawa).

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Commemorating Nuzulul Quran, UTM Rector Emphasizes the Importance of Remembering the Contents of the Quran

Bangkalan - The commemoration of Nuzulul Quran serves as a pivotal moment for Muslims worldwide to reflect on the messages within the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It marks the significant event of the Quran's revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Similarly, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura also held an event commemorating the Nuzulul Quran during the holy month of Ramadan in 2024, themed "Implementation of Quranic Values in Campus Life." The event took place in the Graha Utama Lobby of UTM Building, featuring Prof. Dr. KH. Ali Machsan Moesa, M.Si, as the keynote speaker.

In his speech, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi', S.H, M.H, emphasized his hope for fellow Muslims to continuously contemplate the contents of the Quran.

"We must always remember why the Quran was revealed. And it is only fitting that we continue to illuminate the teachings of the Quran within the campus environment. So that we may also receive the blessings and benefits of the Quran," Safi' expressed.

He mentioned that there is another reason why the Nuzulul Quran event is not held in the Campus Mosque, but instead in the main hall.

"If in the campus mosque, surely every day people recite the Quran. However, in this building, not every day do people recite here," he remarked.

Safi’ also urged all members of the academic community to adopt the Quran as a guide for life and to embrace its teachings.

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The event began with a recitation of the Quran, followed by the Sholawat Nabi led by Habib Idrus, and then continued with providing assistance to 41 orphans from the Darun Najah Kamal Foundation. After the religious lecture, the event concluded with a communal iftar.



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