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Bangkalan - The Department of Educational, Faculty of Educational (FIP) at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM), held a training on writing teaching materials titled "Strategies for Writing and Publishing Teaching Materials, Reference Books, and Modules with ISBN" at the Aula Syaikhona Mohammad Cholil on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

The event was attended directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Education (FIP), Dr. Hani’ah, M.Pd, Assistant Deans, Heads of Study Programs, Faculty members from the Faculty of Education, as well as partner university lecturers, mentoring teachers from the community service, and students.

The event featured two distinguished speakers in their fields, namely Prof. Dr. Sa’dun Akbar, author of the book "Instrumen Perangkat Pembelajaran," and A Kasyful Anwar, senior editor of Prenadamedia Publisher Group.

Siti Fadjryana Fitroh, S.Psi., M.A., as the head of the organizing committee, conveyed that this activity is expected to produce outputs in the form of books and collaborations between faculty members, students, and partner faculty in instructional material development.

"This activity is also part of our commitment to our partners, especially students and mentor teachers, in completing their final assignments, which involve writing books," she explained.

Siti Fadjryana hoped that the presence of this activity would serve as an opportunity to gain knowledge, especially in the realm of writing educational materials.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Education (FIP), Dr. Hani'ah, M.Pd, hoped that this activity will enlighten participants on how instructional materials should be written.

Hani'ah stated, 'Writing activities, especially in creating teaching materials, provide enlightenment. Clarify their differences.'"

According to her, participants must understand the differences between teaching materials: textbooks, modules, reference books, including their criteria.

"We hope for a lot, especially that lecturers and students can become more competitive and produce their work to the fullest," she concluded.

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