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Bangkalan – The Embassy of the Czech Republic is exploring collaboration with Madura's Trunojoyo University, on January 26 2024.

The visit of the Embassy of the Czech Republic was welcomed by the UTM academic community to follow up on cooperation in the field of education.

In his speech, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, explained that UTM has established MoUs with several universities in the Czech Republic.

“We already have MoUs with several Czech universities such as Palacky University. And we hope that in the future more and more will be presented," said Amzeri.

Furthermore, Amzeri said that what had not been (done) was research, hopefully there would be research collaboration in the future.

The visit of the Embassy of the Czech Republic to UTM aims to establish partnerships in the field of education, especially opportunities to continue studying abroad.

In her speech, Gabriella Benetkova, as DCM of the Czech Embassy in Jakarta, admitted that she was happy.

"This visit is a follow-up to the presence of several of our students at the end of last month," said Gabriella.

According to him, this visit was also to follow up on offers of cooperation in the education sector between the two parties.

“You should know that there are universities in Czechia that study Indonesian and its culture. "This is good news for bilateral relations between the two countries," he said.

Furthermore, Gabriella stated that regarding the possibility of student exchange cooperation, there is already Erasmus mundus, which is European Union funding for third countries. However, not all Czech universities accept this funding mechanism.

"We at the embassy fully facilitate these opportunities, but technically we need to first find a companion university that suits UTM's needs," he explained.

In the final session, the Chancellor of Trunojoyo Madura University, Dr. Safi'., SH., MH stated that the results of this meeting were very useful and it is hoped that this can be followed up. "There is a lot of important information that we got from Miss Gabriella, we hope we can follow up on it, such as competency certification and educational cooperation," he said.

The visit to the Embassy of the Czech Republic was attended by a number of UTM academics. Also present were Hermawan Kartajaya, Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic,  Gabriella Benetkova, DCM of the Czech Embassy in Jakarta and Adi Tedjasurya – Assistant Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic.

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