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Bangkalan - Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM) hosted an international research collaboration ceremony with the theme Harvesting Hope: Renewable Energy, Clean Water, and Quality Salt for Madura’s Saltwork Community Through Seaweed Farming. di Lantai 5 Gedung Graha Utama, pada Kamis, 22 Februari 2024.

The event was the result of collaboration between Australia and Indonesia in efforts to cultivate salt and seaweed, utilizing transformative solar panel technology for empowering the livelihoods of coastal communities in Madura Island.

Present at the event were the Governor of East Java 2019-2024, Dr. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, S.H, MH, as well as H.E. Ms. Fiona Hoggart, the Australian Consul General, the project's research chairs Prof. Caroline Chan and Prof. Booi Kam. Additionally, leaders from Trunojoyo Madura University and several government officials from Bangkalan Regency were also in attendance.

"With this collaboration, we can address challenges and create opportunities for growth and improving living standards in Indonesia and Australia," expressed Fiona Hoggart.

Safi’ explained in his address that UTM was one of the 38 selected and approved campuses to receive research funding.

"I am grateful and proud because the research on salt farmers and seaweed to produce quality salt," said the Rector, who was born in Sumenep.

According to him, this aims to turn Madura salt, which has existed for centuries, into a local potential that can be optimized.

Meanwhile, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the Governor of East Java, also expressed her pride in being able to attend and listen to her concerns regarding renewable energy. Khofifah emphasized that UTM could establish synergy to boost the income of communities in coastal areas.

"And it has made its first exports to Australia and China and adequately met the needs of business actors in Australia," expressed Khofifah.

She mentioned that she has seen the fulfillment from the pond owners regarding fertilizer subsidies.

"Looking ahead, my hope is to continue collaborating with UTM to build synergy to boost the income of Madura residents from coastal areas," she concluded.

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