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Bangkalan - The scholarship promotion and introduction of the American Corner by the United States Consulate General were successfully held at Trunojoyo Madura University on Wednesday, (29/2/2024).

The event was attended by the Director of the International Relations Office (IRO) of UTM, Imron Wakhid Harits, Ph.D., as well as two representatives from the United States Consulate General (Konjen) in Surabaya, Ambar Ricky and Putuh.

Before the socialization event began, representatives from the US Consulate received souvenirs in the form of an Appreciation Certificate and a traditional amulet.

Held on the 1st Floor of the Cakra Building, the students appeared enthusiastic to attend the event. Moreover, the event was opened by the host in two languages, Indonesian and English.

In front of the attending students, Putuh explained various types of scholarships offered and the requirements that need to be fulfilled.

"If you are interested in studying abroad, please prepare all the necessary documents," said Putuh.

Putuh added that the scholarships can be accessed as long as the requirements are met. The scholarships offered are not only to the United States but also to Asian countries.

Fulfill the requirements first, then dare yourself to register," he concluded. The event continued with a Q&A session and a group photo.

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