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Bangkalan – The inauguration and handover of the positions of Student President (Presma) and Deputy Student President (Wapresma) of Trunojoyo Madura University was successfully held on Wednesday, January 10 2024.

The inauguration ceremony for Presma and Vice President as well as the Deputy Chair and Members of the Student Representative Council (DPM) was attended directly by UTM leaders.

Handover of office from PPresma 2023 Period Ahmad Roby Gunawan and Ahla Nurus Saada to Presma elected 2024, Moh. Anis Anwari and Yuli Kurrotul Binti Aini took place solemnly bertempat di Lantai 5 Gedung Rektorat UTM.

Dr. Safi, SH, MH, Chancellor of UTM expressed his thanks and appreciation for the performance of Presma and Vice President for the 2023 period.

"Hopefully everyone"Activities and programs that are successfully implemented are recorded as good deeds and can be continued with things that have not been completed by the new Presma," he said.

Safi emphasized that the elected Presma and Vice President as well as the DPM and members could carry out their mandate well.

” Kami berharap Presma dan DPM terpilih bisa menjalankan amanah dan tugas sesuai fungsinya dengan lebih baik,” pintanya.

The Chancellor of UTM also does not hesitate to express his apologies if so far there have been shortcomings and mistakes that are unpleasant.

"Once again, we apologize for any shortcomings and mistakes on behalf of the leadership and the academic community that may have been displeasing to the President and Vice President of the Student Body, as well as the Student Council members who have completed their terms," he concluded.

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