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Announcement of the Appointment of BLU UTM Partner Banks for Managing Deposits

Nomor : 2621/UN46/KU/2024

Based on the minutes of the Selection Committee for the Appointment of Partner Banks for BLU UTM, Number: 2620/UN46/KU/2024, regarding the results of the selection process (beauty contest) for partner banks of BLU UTM in managing short-term investments in the form of deposits, it is hereby established:

  1. Bank KB Bukopin, Tbk, dan :
  2. Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk, KCP Bangkalan, M Holil

Who offers the highest deposit interest rates as the winner of the partner bank selection for managing BLU UTM deposits.

For Further information please download here: Announcement of the Appointment of BLU UTM Partner Banks for Managing Deposits

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