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Bangkalan - In order to foster a love for cultural arts among students, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) organized a coloring competition among students from Bangkalan on Saturday, June 22, 2024.

The competition was held through a collaboration between UTM Library and UTM Cooperative, exclusively for students ranging from kindergarten to elementary school level in the Bangkalan district.

Hundreds of kindergarten and elementary school children from various institutions enthusiastically participated in the competition. In addition, UTM also held a Book Bazaar.

The Head Librarian of UTM, Dr. Iriani Ismail, MM, appreciated the activity.

"We want to encourage children to express what's on their minds through a coloring competition, utilizing their abilities to express themselves with beautiful and captivating colors," she stated.

Iriani Ismail also expressed pride in parents who accompanied their sons and daughters while hoping to organize similar competitions next year, including painting contests.

Iriani said, 'Later, three winners will be chosen, one from the kindergarten group and two from the elementary school group. Additionally, there is also an exciting door prize awaiting.'"

The competition was also held as part of the 23rd Anniversary celebration of UTM, which took place at the Cakra UTM building.

Two judging panels appointed by the committee in the competition are Achmad Suhirman and Fendy Arizona.

Based on the considerations and decisions of the jury panel's evaluation, the following are the names of the winners of the coloring competition:

Category Level of Kindergarten

First Place Winner: Siti Agnela (TK Al Masduqie)

Second Place Winner: Hazman Aria FA (TK Al Amien)

Third Place Winner: Aishafa Vireindra (TK Dharmawanita)

Category Level of Elementary School

First Place Winner: Keisha Lavano (SDN Kemayoran 1)

Second Place Winner: Naura Hasna (SD Muhammadiyah 1 Bangkalan)

Third Place Winner: Nailatul Habibah (SDN Da’iring)

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