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Bangkalan - Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM) signed an MoU with Microsoft Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam on Thursday, (29/2/2024).

The signing of the MoU is expected to equip students and alumni, especially in the field of AI.

Present at the event were UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, M.H, and Director of Government Affairs at Microsoft Indonesia & Brunei Darussalam, Ajar Edi.

Ajar Edi, as the Director of Government Affairs at Microsoft Indonesia & Brunei Darussalam, explained that currently, there are significant job opportunities in the field of AI.

Ajar said, '9 million workers are needed in the field of AI.'

Ajar added that this opportunity must be taken seriously.

Especially for UTM students who are focused on enhancing their skills and reskilling to prepare themselves for technological advancements.

In the future, hopefully UTM alumni will be able to emerge as phenomenal graduates and will be able to reduce unemployment after graduating from university," said Ajar.

Just for your information, currently UTM has around 21,000 students. Meanwhile, the quota for the year 2024 has increased to 6,000.

Meanwhile, this collaboration was initiated by the Student Development & Career Center (SDCC) of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FISIB) at UTM. In her speech, the Dean of FISIB UTM, Dr. Dinara Maya Julijanti, welcomed the collaboration with Microsoft.

Dinara is optimistic that through this program, graduating students will already have a clear vision of whether they want to start their own business or work.

'So that UTM graduates will no longer be confused," said Dinara.

Dinara urged FISIB alumni not only to seek employment but also to create innovation and become entrepreneurs.

"Because in the digital era, we can work from anywhere. Currently, there are great job opportunities, but the challenges are also significant," she concluded.

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