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Trunojoyo Madura University has received 1142 student visits until January 2024. These visits came from SMA/SMK/MA in the East Java region.

The purpose of this visit is to provide information to students directly about the future potential of the departments at Trunojoyo University, Madura and related to the jobs of graduates.

Apart from that, it is also to find out how big the opportunity is to be accepted from each study program at Trunojoyo Madura University. The visiting reception activity was filled with the delivery of material from study programs at Trunojoyo University, Madura, by Supriyanto as Head of Academic and Student Affairs Bureau. Apart from that, general material related to the college entrance selection process was also presented by Luthfi Awwalia as Coordinator of the Integrated Services Unit.

Apart from that, on the same occasion, Supriyanto as chairman of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, said that Trunojoyo Madura University accepted new students by appreciating the achievements of prospective students. Among them are academic and non-academic achievements, both national and international, including for hafidz and hafidzah.

Trunojoyo Madura University offers many scholarships for underprivileged students who want to continue their studies and have achievements. These include KIP Lectures, achievement scholarships, Quran hafidz scholarships and many more scholarships that can be taken when students are in their third semester.

Supriyanto expressed his gratitude for choosing Trunojoyo Madura University as the destination for the visit of SMA/SMK/MA students. "We hope that Trunojoyo Madura University can become one of the main choices for students," explained Supriyanto.

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