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Bangkalan – Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the principals of senior high schools (SMA), vocational high schools (SMK), and Islamic high schools (MA) in Bangkalan on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

At the event, UTM also conducted a socialization session on independent admission pathways and new student enrollment. The event was attended by UTM Rector, Dr. Safi', SH, MH, Acting Regent of Bangkalan, Arief M. Edie, and the principals of senior high schools (SMA), vocational schools (SMK), and Islamic senior high schools (MA) in Bangkalan Regency.

Dalam sambutannya, Arief M. Edie turut mengapresiasi dan menyambut baik kerjasama dibidang pendidikan yang dilakukan UTM tersebut. “Ini momentum yang sangat baik dan perlu dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya oleh seluruh sekolah di kabupaten Bangkalan,” kata Arief.

According to him, what is stipulated in the MoU presented a golden opportunity for graduates of public high schools, vocational schools, and islamic senior high schools to gain admission to UTM. "Especially for students who excel and have a strong desire to pursue higher education," he stated.

The existence of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) paves the way for graduates of senior high schools (SMA), vocational high schools (SMK), and islamic senior high schools (MA) to continue their studies at public universities (PTN), particularly at the Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

Arief hoped that with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), it will improve the human resources (HR) in Bangkalan, leading to a better future. "I hope that the selection of students will not be based on considerations of proximity, family, relatives, and the like," he emphasized.

Arief warmly welcomes the program offered by UTM, one of which is the Advanced Learning Recognition (RPL). "This program can be a breakthrough and provide opportunities for village heads, teachers, and employees who do not yet have a bachelor's degree to obtain one," said Arief.

For him, if all village heads had at least a bachelor's degree, "I get chills thinking about it; it would certainly be very good," concluded Arief.

Meanwhile, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi, revealed that the institution he leads is opening various admission pathways to UTM. "We are making great efforts to accommodate the younger generation to ensure they can receive educational services at public universities," he stated.

"Each school can recommend five students to enter without selection and without being burdened by development fees," he asserted.

According to him, the collaboration initiated by UTM aims to enhance the Human Development Index (HDI) of Bangkalan.

"The independent track this year we have expanded into five tracks. One of them is the collaboration track for students whose schools already have an MoU with UTM," he concluded.

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