Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

"In 2030, to be an institution capable of producing intelligent, competitive, morally upright graduates who excel in education and research based on the potential of Madura."



To achieve the established vision, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura sets the following missions:

  1. Conducting quality, relevant, and competent educational services to enhance knowledge, technology, as well as faith and piety strengthening.
  2. Conducting research activities and community service based on the potential of Madura continuously to support the learning process and scholarly publications.
  3. Enhancing collaboration networks with the government, private sector, industries, Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren), alumni, and educational institutions domestically and internationally that can support the development of Madura's potential: and
  4. Improving university governance using principles of credibility, transparency, accountability, responsibility, and fairness.

In line with the established mission, UTM's goals are:

  1. Producing quality and competent educational services to enhance knowledge and technology, as well as faith and piety strengthening.
  2. Producing research and community service based on the potential of Madura continuously to support the learning process and scholarly publications.
  3. Producing collaboration networks with government agencies, private sector, industries, Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren), alumni, and educational institutions domestically and internationally that can support the development of Madura's potential.
  4. Producing a university governance system that is credible, transparent, accountable, responsible, and fair.



Office Address

Jl. Raya Telang,PO BOX 02 Kecamatan Kamal, Bangkalan East Java 69162 Indonesia

Official Account

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